[Youtube] How an Indian Merchant Became Cambodia's First King: a Story of Indianization - My Comments

[Youtube] How an Indian Merchant Became Cambodia's First King: a Story of Indianization - My Comments

My comment :

There is also a legend about merchants from India in Gaya(Korea). When analyzed with the recent Y haplogroup analysis, it is quite significant. 🤔

Comment(Indra Singh) :

As far ik there is story of indian Queen marrying korean king Never heard about gaya king of india tho


My comment :

Haplogroup O1b spread to Japan, southern Korea, and Cambodia, and the separation is believed to have occurred in the sea between. Haplogroup L is often found in Gimhae Kim Clan in Korea. Considering the historical records and relics of Gaya, you can see the historical outline, faintly.

Comment(The Beast Incarnate) :

Indian haplogroups are R1a , R2 ,H and J2 L is present but only a little The Indian patrilineal inheritance is often checked by the presense of these haplogroups Cambodia has 10%+ of these haplogroups

Comment(Durgesh Sonar) :

Haplogroup H is the oldest I guess ...?

Comment(The Beast Incarnate) :

It's older but it is mainly assosiated with Dravidian people today mostly found among Tribals and scheduled castes It is rare in North India and among upper and mide caste Hindus in general (or non SC muslims and Christians)

Comment(samanta smith) :

wow it skipped china and tibet.. did the haplogroup fly over?

Comment(The Beast Incarnate) :

Haplogroup O is the majority in China and Tibet too


My comment :

The legend of the snake god also exists in ancient Silla and ancient Japan. The ancient early Silla Dynasty and ancient Japan are closely related. Maybe ancient Gaya is a colonial city state of Japan. And ancient Silla is deeply related to Gaya. And there is a legend that is related to the Tamils in Gaya. But today, 1/2 of Koreans are Chinese Korean, and 1/4 of Japanese are Chinese Japanese. They claim that the Chinese are the ancestors of Koreans and Japanese. China doesn't demolished like any other ancient civilization, and the Chinese territory is so large. This is because they've wiped out the neighboring peoples through immigration and historical fabrication. They want all the non-Chinese Asian countries to become Chinese. Because, China has never failed to expand and to end the ethnic groups that surrounding China. The reason why China's territory is enormous and why China immigrate constantly is obvious. And here, the intention of the Chinese to hide and write some insidious gislighting comments is very clear too.


Comment(chhitt chhourvorn) :

As a one of Cambodian, there are the acknowledge for your satification. - Did Cambodian origin from Indian? - Yes. but before that we just the big tribe. - Angkor Wat built by Indian? - No, the purpose for Hindu religion but built by Cambodian (Khmer) but Yeah, Because Khmer got blood heritage from Indian, why not share? - Why Angkor Wat belonged to Khmer? - Because it was constructing in 6th Century and before that? we were call Funan from early 1th Century which mentioned in this video. To concluded, Cambodia got history influent by Indian specially religion. We raised and shined during our glory in 6th - 12th Century by our King Jayavarman II to the greatest King Jayavarman VII. Complex history and also very interesting as well. It is hard to find good and reliable sources for today reference but I am satified which this history was told, not fiction but everythings were in written. Sorry for the grammer but yeah! who's care? probaly not me. Peace !!!!

Comment :

Love from India 🙏😁

Comment(Sathiya yuth សត្យាយុត) :

Yeah that is your story , as a Khmer my heritage is Khmer and my ancestral are the Khmer Mon ( Austroasiatic) not Indian ,han Chinese , kratai , french , Javanese Indonesia etc and Cambodia is a name use after the french revolution , like how Persia changed to Iran , Siam to Thailand , annam to Vietnam . It's sad alot of Cambodian wanna attach themselves with other heritage.

Comment(Han Nie) :

Idk where did you learn that from of Cambodian is origin from Indian..we were believe we were here in 3000-2000BC but living as a tripe till we have a Funnan Kingdom in 1st century. We're Austroasiatic our culture might be influenced from Indian but it's has no clear evidence we originated there if we were that's literally took us thousand year to evolve and adapt to SEA land. Just like how Thai that has influenced from Cambodia but isn't related to Cambodia cause they're from Tai-Kradai language family and Khmer people is Austroasiatic same with Cambodia got influenced from India but we still different from them. Angkor Era start in 9th century and Angkor Wat is built in 12th century and if people claim it was built by someone else other than a Khmer king is literally disrespect us because the King doesn't name themselves Khmer for no reason.

Comment(Sathiya yuth សត្យាយុត) :

ok stop and delete that comment all u said are wrong . We are not Austronesian , we are the native to South East Asia

Comment(Han Nie) :

no I mean we're Austroasiatic I mistyped it imma correct it And yes we're a native SEA since we've been here around 3000&2000BC but we didn't just boom out of the SEA land's dust, human history of SEA is even older than that. Our ancestors came from somewhere to start a life here that's what I mean. Lemme me know what did I said wrong

Comment(chhitt chhourvorn) :

Dude chill out! Dont get my idea wrong. I did said we are originally Khmer. Just somewhere in the middle, we got involved with indian guy. Well, I did research too but still before Funan? Who we are? Khmer Mon! The big tribe. Just keep discuss to get knowledge. Not arguing for things unsolved. 👍 Peace ✌️

My comment :

Research the distribution of O1b1 and O1b2 in the Y-chromosome haplogroup O1b. O1b1 is Cambodia/Java, and O1b2 is Japan/Korea. The potential separation is a sea between the two. And notice the Tamil-related myths of ancient Korea(Gaya). Additionaly, the separation of Haplo O1 and O2 was 29500 years ago. The separation of Haplo N and O is 32000 years ago. Ignore the Chinese who fabricate cause of same O.


My comment :

The identity of those who claim to be ‘fake history’ here is Chinese ethnic groups who want to replace Southeast Asians by Chinese ethnic. There were originally many ethnic groups in mainland China, but all of them became extinct due to Chinese immigration and history distortion. Modern Koreas are not an ancient Korean. And this causes a conflict between Japan and Korea. Modern Vietnamese and ancient Vietnamese are not the same people. In fact, modern Koreans and Vietnamese are Chinese ethnic group. And the Chinese continue to immigrate to SouthEast Asia, and they want to Chineseize SouthEast Asia. This is a history that continues untill today. Therefore, they claim that all the historical records dissimilar with Chinese records are fake, they perjure that the sinocentric historical view is always true. And the Westerners are not interest to Asia. so, they are uncritically accepting Chinese claims continuously. This is a big problem in modern society.


Comment(Kooky Shreya) :

Not even south east asia. Even korean king married indian queen who is from Ayodhya. The whole kim lan is carrying half indian blood. And most of the korean people is carrying the title kim. There’s plenty of articles regarding this as well.

My comment :

Even if it's the same Kim surname, there's Chinese Kim, and Korean Kim. China has more than 5,000 surnames in history and now there are about 700. (Not accurate.) Among them, Kim, that means gold/metal was also a family name used by Mongolian Chinese in the Northwest China, and the Chinese immigrated by fabricating that Silla was a Chinese dynasty. Therefore, there are currently two contradictory legends related to Kim in Korea. There are a lot of these kind of contradictory descriptions in Chinese history books, but the people who can read them are almost Chinese, so they keep a fabricated history that is convenient for China.

Comment :

That was tamil queen not ayotha . Go search similarity on korean and tamil languages .

Comment(Kooky Shreya) :

i have a book . I read it from there. That time a place in south used to call ayodhya. Now I don’t know if it’s tamil or some other southern place.

 from: How an Indian Merchant Became Cambodia's First King: a Story of Indianization. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-08-02. Retrieved 2022-08-09.


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