[Quora] My Answer - I heard "China" was part of "Korea" an extremely long time ago. Could there be any truth to this in any way?

 [Quora] My Answer - I heard "China" was part of "Korea" an extremely long time ago. Could there be any truth to this in any way, looked at in various aspects, senses/meanings/definitions, etc.? (2023.07.14)

Q : I heard "China" was part of "Korea" an extremely long time ago. Could there be any truth to this in any way, looked at in various aspects, senses/meanings/definitions, etc.?

my answer :

It's simple: today's Koreans are actually Chinese. Read the Korean surnames. Li, Zhang, Son, etc. What the Chinese consider to be their glorious period, the Li’s Tang dynasty, was actually the vast historical fabrication period around 9th CE.

According to Korean scholars, 60% of Korean surnames today are clearly of Chinese origin.

  • The Chinese surnames I mentioned above were the first to create a nation on the Korean Peninsula, according to history books written in Chinese characters during Goryeo dynasty.
  • In Vietnam, the Li family was also fabricated to be the ancestors of the Vietnamese, because the Vietnamese history books were written after the Li family’s dynasty.
  • The Malaysians forcibly made Singapore independent, and the dictator of Singapore was Li Kuan Yew.
  • India forced Bangladesh to become independent.
  • Japan's richest modern-day Korean-Japanese businessman, Son Jung-eui, claimed that "Korea was actually China." If Mr. Son, who has great influence in the Korean community, thinks this, what about the vast majority of Koreans?

Truthfuly, the vast majority of Koreans are Chinese who claim not to be Chinese.

Today, the most populous surname in the world is Li(李)。

Korean nationalists claim that Koreans have their origins in China.


[이덕일의 새롭게 보는 역사] 은나라 ‘왕실의 후예’ 공자, 二代를 계승한 주나라를 인정하다
동이족 출신 공자가 만든 중화사관, 몇 년 전 한국과 중국, 중화민국(대만)의 인터넷상에서 논란이 된 사건 중에 ‘공자 한국인 설’이 있었다. 한국인들이 공자를 한국인이라고 주장한다고 중국인들이 비난한 것이다. 공자를 한국인이라고 단정 지을 수는 없지만 공자가 동이족 출신인 것은 사실이...
[단독] 손정의 소프트뱅크 회장, '한국은 중국 이기도 했다'
(서울=코리아타임스) 강승우 기자 = 재일교포 3세인 손정의 (일본명 손 마사요시) 소프트뱅크 창업자이자 회장이 2016년 출판된 그의 책 "참모의 눈으로 바라본 손정의 기업가 정신: 손정의 참모"에서 "한국은 중국이기도 했다"라고 발언을 해서 논란이 되고 있다. 손회장의 전 비서실장이자 책의 저자인 시마 사토시는 그의 2014년 3월 11일 워싱턴에서 했던 손회장의 강연을 실었는데 손회장은 "나는 왜 이렇게 열심인가? 그것은 내가 이 나라를 제2의 고향이라고 생각하기 때문입니다. 어쩌면 첫 번째 고향인지도 모릅니다. 저는 제 국적이 대체 어딘지 잘 모르겠습니다. 저는 한국에서 일본으로 이민 온 가난한 가정에서 태어났습니다. 대한민국, 아주 옛날에는 중국이기도 했던 곳입니다. 사회의 가장 밑 바닥으로 이민했기 때문에 일본에서도 가장 가난한 가족 중 하나이기도 했습니다." 라고 말했다. ("Reason I am so passionate about this. The reason why I feel this is my second home, could be the main home, I don't know. I don't know what nationality I am. I'm born in Japan with a poor family, immigrated from Korea, South Korea, way before that was China. Immigrated into the bottom of the society.")

Comments :

Quan Fung :

Sssshh ! Right now the S.Koreans are trying very hard to accepted as whites with USA !🤣

My comment :

This is 臥薪嘗膽 thinking method of 越. Your insult is not true at all.

Quan Fung :

Really ? So according to U S.Koreans are trying to be accepted as blacks ! 🤣

My commnet :

Your commnet(Quan Fung)

Really ? So according to U S.Koreans are trying to be accepted as blacks ! 🤣


Skin color is an issue that changes with UV radiation and generational changes based on the latitude of the earth.

And are you really using laugh that intentionally demeans black people? Are you making a racist comment?

In context, the phrase "trying to be accepted as blacks" is an expression of intent to insult, and since you used the (laughing face) emoji. So, this is oviously conclusive insult intended expression.

 URL: https://www.quora.com/I-heard-China-was-part-of-Korea-an-extremely-long-time-ago-Could-there-be-any-truth-to-this-in-any-way-looked-at-in-various-aspects-senses-meanings-definitions-etc/answer/JaeHyun-Park-60?ch=17&oid=1477743679203021&share=b5797f87&srid=ub7IYt&target_type=answer

 from: [Quora] My Answer - I heard "China" was part of "Korea" an extremely long time ago. Could there be any truth to this in any way?QuoraArchived from the original on 2023-07-10. Retrieved 2023-07-14.
