예제) Small Talk: A Big Deal

 Small Talk: A Big Deal

- New Friends and Jobs

- As Easy as 1-2-3

- The Big Question: To Talk or Not to Talk?

Page: 5-6, Skills for Success 3 / Reading and Writing


How can you make small talk lead to a new friendship, job, or promotion? Compliment the other person to make him or her feel comfortable and ask questions to show interest: "Oh, you've been to Paris?" Don't do al the talking and avoid saying anything offensive that might make the other person feel awkward.


Soon enough, comments about today's weather will lead to other people's weather stories about getting stuck in the rain or trying to stay cool during last week's high of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Weather may lead to more interesting topics like summer fashion or winter foods. Once we have a common interest, a friendship can begin. 

Effective small talk can make that first impression get you the job. Small talk is equally important after you are hired. In fact, research demonstrates that just five minutes of small talk can lead to more successful business deals. 


Some people shy away from small talk. The might not have enough confidence to start up conversations with strangers. And let's face it talking to someone you don't know is not the easiest thing to do!


compliment : to praise or express admiration for someone (찬사, 칭찬하는 말)
offensive (adj.) : 위법 행위, 감정을 상하게 하는 행동이나 말(명사형) + 형용사적 사용(-ive)
    ex) - tell (offensive) jokes - : you never tell offensive jokes that can make them feel uncomfortable
lead to (v.phr) : -로 이어지다, 초래하다
    +여기서 (v. phr)은 verb phrase를 의미한다.
shy away from (= avoid)
    ex) "shy away from hard work"하면 그냥 avoid를 의미한다. 부끄러워하다X, 부끄럽지 않다X
demonstrate : Demonstrate to [someone] that
    ex) Smiling can demonstrate to  other people that you are a friendly person
confidence : ~ with(out) confidence
    ex) people with confidence usually make better public speakers because they feel very comfortable standing in front of a lot of people.
effective : an effective way to ~
    ex) Facebook is an effective way to keep in touch with family, friends who live far away.

EN-EN Vacabulary

effective (v. phr.) to have something as result 
confidence (n.) the feeling that you are sure about your own beliefs or abilities 
appreciate (v.) to make someone admire and respect you 
lead to (adj.) producing the result that is wanted or intended 
select (v.) to choose someone or something from similar people or things 
stranger (n.) a person you do not know
demonstrate (v.) to enjoy or to understand the value of someone or something 
offensive (adj.) unpleasant or insulting 
impress (v.) to show clearly that something exists or is true 
maintain (v.) to continue to have something; to keep something at the same level vocabulary.

영어발음의 주의점

ex) lead to / offensive / appearance / confidence / demonstrate
예를들어, 여기서 lead to는 '투'가 아니라, '터'라고 발음한다.  
confidence도 '컨피던스'라고 발음한다. '컨피댄스'가 아니다.
이런 발음들을 schwa sound라고 부른다. O(오) 사운드가 아니라, O(어) 사운드로 발음한다.


Q: Skills for Success 3 / Reading and Writing - Colin S. Ward & Margot F.Gramer (3rd Edition)
