Short statement & En-En VOCA (2)
【Short statement & En-En VOCA】
#Japan to apologize to Korea for colonization: Deeply rooted in historical conflicts
#How Could I help the weak: Teach someone to fish instead of just giving a fish
Quote from Pachinko: "If history had taught her anything, it was that sometimes what seemed permanent could be destroyed in an instant." 2 to 3 million Koreans, about 10% of the total population of Korea, were killed by Japan due to forced conscription, forced labor camps, living-body experiments, and local massacres.
"Do you want an apology from Japan or is it okay not to have it? How should Korea approach the issue of attaining an apology?
Japan to apologize to Korea for colonization: Deeply rooted in historical conflicts
The conflict between Korea and Japan, the apology for the Japanese occupation period of Korea is deeply rooted in historical conflicts. This complex problem does not only involve accepting past wrongs but also comes from continuous effects on the memory of the Korean people. The treatment of Koreans during the Japanese occupation of Korea is a serious issue between the two countries until today. It continues to serve as a major point in struggle relations. I think it is righteous for Japan to apologize to Korea for colonization, both from a moral perspective and for the resolution of future relations between the two countries. But at the same time, I don't think such solutions would lead to a dramatic improvement in relations between the two countries. I think the unfavorable and malicious will between the two countries goes back to before the Japanese colonial era, so I think it is impossible that an apology for Japan's actions during the colonial era will lead to an improvement in relations between the two countries. Whether or not, an apology from Japan to Korea is a problem that touches on historical revenge, national identity, and the future of diplomatic relations. Therefore, Korea should take a basic attitude to pursue an apology from Japan, but same time we all know that an apology itself will not improve relations between the two countries, so efforts should be made to resolve the fundamental problem not an unconvincing suggestion.
conscription 징수
massacres 말살
unconvincing 납득력이 없는
Lee Min Jin is not Korean, but she accomplished something that no native Korean has achieved, which was the worldwide promotion of justice for South Korea. Lee Min Jin was a powerful person with financial stability and luxury free time. If she were not educated, rich, and free from time restrictions, she would not and could not have defended the weak. As history has seen, the weak shapes a particular society and era, but the weak does not have the power to express themselves.
"What can you do for the weak with your ability and social status? Specifically, how do you plan to help the weak in the future after securing your power?"
How Could I help the weak: Teach someone to fish instead of just giving a fish
Helping a person requires a lot of responsibility. It is often said that "when you help a person, you should teach them how to fish, not just give them a fish." I think that this means we should provide not just superficial help, but provide real help for the weak to the fundamental solution about problem.
However, there is limitation to helping the weak as one individual, so my immediate strategy is education and skill acquisition. I studied sociology as a sub-lecture to understand the systemic barriers that understand the disadvantaged. This knowledge is essential for effective advocacy by participating in and leading social justice efforts, which gives me a sense of accomplishment and achievement, even if small.
Through learning about sociology, I can develop the understanding and concern for people who are generally economically disadvantaged, minorities who is facing discrimination, the elderly, the unprivileged children, and people with disabilities. I also need to be eager to study in order to understand their specific problems.
Helping the weak depends on empowering them to become self-sufficient rather than offering temporary relief. This philosophy aligns with the adage of teaching someone to fish instead of just giving them a fish. As a student, I believe the most effective way to help these underdogs is through thorough understanding and analysis.
superficial 피상적
acquisition 습득
advocacy 옹호
unprivileged 기본적 인권이 없는
relief 경감
adage 격언
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