What is MRS ? (#Economics)
Definition of MRS, Marginal rate of substitution
- Definition of MRS
: MRS is the rate at which the consumer is only just willing to exchange commodity 2 for a small amount of commodity 1.
Thus the ratio defining the MRS will always describe the slope of the indifference curve: the rate at which the consumer is just willing to substitute a slightly little amount of the consumption of good 2 for a slightly little more less consumption of good 1. Marginal rate of substitution(MRS) measures the slope of an indifference curve.
[Practically, which means MRS is Derivative of Point on Utility Function U(*), we would do persuasively mention about Marginal Utility(function) & Marginal Rate of Substitution on below chapter.]
Then, How can a MRS be calculated?
MRS at x' is the slope of the indifference curve at x'
MRS at x' is lim{Δx₂/Δx₁} = dx₂/dx₁ at x' (x' is intersect point between Any other function
Δx₁ → 0
dx₂ = MRS × dx₁ so, at x', MRS is the rate at which the consumer is only just willing to exchange commodity 2 for a small amount of commodity 1.
Marginal Utility(MU) and Marginal Rates-of-Substitution(MRS)
First, we define what is Marginal Utility means. Consider a consumer who is consuming some bundle of goods, (x₁,x₂). How does this consumer’s utility change as we give him or her a little more of good 1? This rate of change is called the marginal utility with respect to good 1. We write it as MU₁ and think of it as being a ratio,
MU₁ = ∂U / ∂x₁ = ΔU / Δx₁
MU₁ = u(x₁ +Δx₁,x₂)−u(x₁,x₂) / Δx₁
that measures the rate of change in utility (ΔU) associated with a small change in the amount of good 1 (Δx₁).
Now, we research correlation between MU and MRS.
the Utility function U(x₁,x₂) can be used to measure the marginal rate of substitution (MRS). Recall that the MRS measures the slope of the indifference curve at a given bundle of goods. it can be interpreted as the rate at which a consumer is just willing to substitute a small amount of good 2 for good 1.
This interpretation gives us a simple way to calculate the MRS. Consider a change in the consumption of each good, (Δx₁,Δx₂), that keeps utility constant, that is, a change in consumption that moves us along the indifference curve. Then we must have
MU₁ Δx₁ + MU₂ Δx₂ = ΔU = 0
[Upon statement equal as means as the general equation for an indifference curve is "U(x₁,x₂) = k", a constant]
Solving for the slope of the indifference curve we have
MRS = Δx₂ / Δx₁ = - MU₁ / MU₂
MRS = - (∂U / ∂x₁) / (∂U / ∂x₂) = (-1) × (Derivative of U by x₁) / (Derivative of U by x₂)
Budget Constrain(BC) ans Marginal Rates-of-Substitution(MRS)
And Next we have to mention about MRS and Budget Constrain(BC).
The Optimal choice happens when function line of Budget Constrain(BC), which is same as Rational Constrained Choice & Indifference Curve(later for MRS) intersect on some point (x₁',x₂')
This is the choice(x₁',x₂') of an optimal choice for the consumer which is most preferred in affordable bundle.
The Function of BC(Budget Constrain) looks like This
BC = (p₁,p₂,m)
On the solving Test Question situation, if there mentioned as "Tangency Condition" then that means "The slope of the indifference curve at (x₁',x₂') equals the slope of the budget constraint.
The slope of the budget constraint is - p₁/p₂, and the slope of the indifference curve containing (x₁',x₂') is MRS and they are equal at (x₁',x₂')
preference about product x₁ upon x₂ is slope of budget constraint. Ans slope of BC is - p₁/p₂.
and MRS is - ax₂ / bx₁ . but if, consider (x₁',x₂') is in Tangency Condition.
Then, - p₁ / p₂ is as same as - ax₂ / bx₁
(1) If that case,
x₂ = (a / b)(p₁ / p₂) x₁
(2) Maximize the BC, then exhausts the budget remains
so, (x₁',x₂') also exhausts the budget, which is p₁x₁' + p₂x₂' = m
substitute (1) in (2)
Then get, p₁x₁' + p₂ (a / b)(p₁ / p₂) x₁' = m
x₁' = am / (a+b)p₁
x₂' = am / (a+b)p₂
So we have discovered that the most preferred affordable bundle for a consumer with Indifference Curves (ex. Cobb-Douglas preferences)
(x₁',x₂') = [ am / (a+b)p₁ , am / (a+b)p₂ ]
Derivate of x₁' on U(x₁',x₂') is -a/b
Meaning x₁ is more preferred (a/b) times more than x₂
#Economics #Marginal Rates-of-Substitution #Indifference Curve #Marginal Utility #Budget Constrain
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