Presentation: Göbekli Tepe and Humanity's interest in Space (.ppt)

(Transcript) Below is a transcript of my research and presentation to the class.
This is just a simple 10-minute presentation.

(Presenter: )

Nice to meet you guys, in my persentation, I would like to show up Mankind progress in Neolitic period, and Constellation perception. So now I go on. 

First, what is Gobekli Tepe?

Gobekli Tepe is a massive ruin, believed to be an ancient religious site.
And, It is considered to be the first temple of mankind.

- Göbekli Tepe is built into a limestone hill, and the Neolithic technique was used to remove the megaliths. 

- Research has found large quantities of grain traces and different types of soft stones at the site.

- Göbekli Tepe was first presumed as a temporary gathering place for hunter-gatherer tribes.
However, recent research disputes this. Farming had already begun in the Fertile Crescent of the Euphrates 1000 years before Göbekli Tepe was built.
By 9500 BC, before Göbekli Tepe was built, 5 or 6 agropastoral settlements are established in the upper Euphrates region

Then, How does Gobekli Tepe discovered?

The first discovery was in 1996, by German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt.
Schmidt discovers Göbekli Tepe in eastern Anatolia, Turkey.
Carbon dating reveals that the temple was built around 9500 BC.

Most important thing is this, 
This amazing site predates the 2500 BC pyramids of Giza, Egypt by 7000 years, and the 3000 BC Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, England by 6500 years.
Its quite hard to believe but Its all true !

Humanity's Civilized progress

This two elements interacted with each other actively,
(: Bølling–Allerød and Natufian)

Environment: There was a Holocene until 11000 years ago, and a Younger Dryas Period from 11000 to 13000 years ago. There was a warm period from 15000 to 13000 years ago. 

Natufian: During the warm period between 15000 and 12000 years ago, the Natufians demonstrated creativity in farming and brewing. Recent research suggests that the Natufians used wild grains to make bread and beer, which were important elements of early human civilization.

Bølling–Allerød and Natufian

Lets look at this Table 1&2.

I think you guys at least once heard about Younger Dryas period. And before that there was a particular warm period named Bolling-Allerad.
(Its Danish so some pronounceation issue is exist, but whatever)
Percisely, It is left side of the Yonger Dryas period which is That red anker pointing.

Mankind progress in Neolithic period

To be exactly, next study that I would like to show is not a major opinion in academic conception. so, please accept by your own thinking and valuation system. Then, lets keep go on.

< Humanity's interest in space >

Some independent researchers argue that Göbekli Tepe is an observatory for observing the sky and symbolizes constellation beliefs. 

In 2017, Martin of the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom published a study showing that Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 bears the date of a meteorite impact 23000 years ago.
Pillar 43 is one of the pillars that serves as the centerpiece of the other structures and forms the back of a circular structure that is larger in scale.
The researchers noted that there were more symbolic carvings on Pillar 43 than on the other pillars. The carvings corresponded to currently defined constellations, so the researchers matched the carvings to current constellations.
The matching revealed that the night sky carved on Pillar 43 was either the winter solstice in 2000 AD, the autumnal equinox 6350 years ago, the summer solstice 12950 years ago, or the spring equinox 20000 years ago.
Since Göpeklitepe was built 11500 years ago, the researchers concluded that the carving was a constellation of the night sky observed about 16 kilometers away from Göpeklitepe on the summer solstice 12950 years ago.

++ What is Equinox?
: the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about September 22 and March 20).

++ What is Solstice?
: the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about June 21 and December 22).

So guys, Here is my conclusion: 

Based on this 3 elements Mankind progress in Neolitic period was succeeded.
First, Climate change. There was a warm period from 15000 to 13000 years ago. Named as Bølling–Allerød or Late Glacial Interstadial (Late Glacial Interstadial = Bølling–Allerød Interstadial in Danish).
Second is Agricultural development. Natufians used wild grains to make bread and beer
Lastly, Constellation perception demonstrated in Pillar 43. This shows humanity's interest in space, humans have been interested in space for a very long time ago.

Thanks for listening 👋

[ Reference: ] 
Sweatman, Martin & Coombs, Alistair. (2019). Decoding European Palaeolithic Art: Extremely Ancient knowledge of Precession of the Equinoxes. Athens Journal of History. 5. 1-30. 10.30958/ajhis.5-1-1.
Göbekli Tepe and the Rebirth of Sirius - Andrew Collins & Rodney Hale. Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 in Enclosure D with Cygnus overlaid on its vulture carving (Credit: Rodney Hale). Fig. 7, right. Pillar 43's vulture and scorpion overlaid on the Dark Rift as seen c. 9400 BC (Credit: Rodney Hale) 

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