22.09. My comments
22.09. My comments
My comment :
I would like to ask the C-people writing here as follows. So, China, which propagates that the Huangdi XuanYuan(黃帝軒轅) is the ancestor of all Chinese, Haplo O-IMS-JST002611 Haplo O-M117 Haplo O-F122 Haplo C-F1067 Which of these is the true descendant of the Huangdi's Tribute? Considering the age of separation, there is only one of the following. The rest is a fabrication of Chinese history. The true descendants of the gōngzú(公族) are only 20% at the highest. Are all Chinese really descendants of the gōngzú? Also, how does it feel to live as a ‘human para-site’ living by parasitizing and destroying the Shang and Zhou kingdoms and taking away their names? I wouldn't stand disgust because of my dignity as a human being. How is it possible to endure such disgust and consume greasy Chinese food?
5.Looking at China's ancient castle style, China's rectangular or square-shaped castle style with four doors on flat land is an absolute majority. However, in the case of the castle style of Goguryeo, it was built along a fortress or a river, and there is no standard style. The gate also appears in various ways, with the exception of the capital and large provinces. A common feature of the northern 東夷族 people, including Goguryeo, is the ondol style But There is no style in China.
Comment :
Comment (traout william) :
중국은 증거가 없으니까, 이상한 소리를 한다. 정말로 처량하다. 공부를 해라
Comment :
Comment :
The Yemaek people are very vague concepts, so it's easy to misunderstand if you don't understand the history of the concept exactly.
Also, the Dongyi was originally a term in east of central China and west of the sea, but later it became a term that included the peninsula and Japan. Chinese Koreans and some Chinese scholars who do distortion of history abuse the idea of Dongyi concept.
It emphasizes the fabrication that Koreans are Chinese by incorporating the ancient Dongyi concept into the medieval Dongyi concept. Unfortunately, the Dongyi concept you are using now is very similar to the Chinese Korean argument.
Comment :
중국인들은 한국의 훌륭한 아들
Comment (traout william) :
You just don't acknowledge even though ancient chinese record described. If you guys don't acknowledge record, How do We prove history? Hahaahaha Nope I said Dongyi meansBarbarian And Chinese ancient records describe that Goguryeo, Balahe as NorthernBarbarian. If you guys acknowledge the Yemek, you guys are unfavorable. So you guysTell aLie even though your country record describe
Comment (traout william) :
Chinese records described Goguryeo, Buyeo, Balhae ect as Northern 東夷族. And described that These countries consist of 濊貊族. 東夷族 -> 濊貊族 (Buyeo, Goguryeo, Balheal ect) They already acknowledged the difference by describing 東夷族.
My comment :
Ancient Dongyi concept and medieval Dongyi concept are different.
Comment (traout william) :
This is same.
Comment (趙駿) :
You guys evendon't acknowledge your records. What a funny
Comment (知):
There is no such thing as Dongyi. Dongyi refers to all the tribes in the east. When China opened its civilization, it disparaged all other tribes in the surrounding areas in terms of direction.😅
Comment (김밥):
HAHAHAHAHA LOL Dongyi referes to NorthernBarbarian, living in Eastern Area. You guys think diffrerence. According to your logic, Chinese think they areBarbarian themselves? HAHAH
According to your loigc, Chinese reocords areFabricated? HAHAHAHAHA you guys think you guys areBarbarian
mosquitoesAlways want blood. So They say All blood is from China. Keep doingMosquito
@趙駿 either, you guys don't really know your record too. Did you know that you are only 8% likely to be descendants of the ancient Cho(趙) clan, and that you are from a para-sitic fake Cho C-people with a 92% probability?
Manipulating Dongyi concept is a historical fabrication for the reproduction of Chinese Korean and Chinese.
The fact that Eastern civilization symbolizes stagnant and Western civilization symbolizes progress has been greatly influenced by the C-historical fabrication.
The West valued the concept of truth, so talent invested in development, but in the Eastern world, the Chinese valued historical study for their reproduction not for truth.
Cause of more than half of the population in the Eastern world participates in this fabrication, talent could not participate in development. It is clear why your C-ancestors could not discover concepts of 'metaphysics of Idea' and ‘principle of logic’. Because C-thinking structure is a propagation follower of human-meat and has nothing to do with the soul.
@traout william no not at all
Comment (traout william) :
You really don't know history at all. Manchuria's history is consisted of 濊貊族, 东胡族, 肃慎族. Chinese record described These tribes as 東夷族. That is Chinese thought mainland Chinese are different from them. 濊貊族's history is Buyeo, Goguryeo, Okjeo, Balahe, JeongAnkook ect. 东胡族 is Khitan, Uygur, 霫族 ect. 肃慎族 is 靺鞨, ᠵᡠᡧᡝᠨ ect.
三國志魏書東夷傳 already defines Goguryeo and Balahe are diffrent with Dynasties of Mainland China. You first should read 三國志魏書東夷傳 and then talk. It already proved 東夷族 is rotten with 濊貊族
Looking at China's ancient castle style, China's rectangular or square-shaped castle style with four doors on flat land is an absolute majority. However, in the case of the castle style of Goguryeo, it was built along a fortress or a river, and there is no standard style. The gate also appears in various ways, with the exception of the capital and large provinces. A common feature of the northern 東夷族 people, including Goguryeo, is the ondol style But There is no style in China.
In the Chinese librarian "Songsa(宋史)," there is a record that "Goryeo is originally called Goguryeo." This means that China at that time, not today's China, already recognized Goryeo as the successor to Goguryeo, and if China now denies it, It wouldDistort even the history of your country. In addition, Goryeo has already used the title of King Goryeo or King Goguryeo in other countries' textbooks.
When Goguryeo was active, Chinese librarians did not include Goguryeo in their history. They tied Goguryeo to the 東夷族 tribe along with Balhae, Baekje, Silla, Gaya, Buyeo, Kitan, and Malgal, and 東夷族 means an immigrant tribe in the east. In other words, Goguryeo proved directly that Baekje, Silla, Gaya, Buyeo, and the Korean people were different from the Han people. That evidence is 三國志魏書東夷傳. 三國志魏書東夷傳 describe Goguryeo is 東夷族.
It was the first time during the Yuan Dynasty that China completely occupied Manchuria, and when it was destroyed by Hong Geon-jeok, the founding power of the Ming Dynasty, the Manchurian region became the territory of the Mongol and Manchurian peoples, and China completely took control of Manchuria. In other words, there is no history of 漢族 people in mainland of china. It is all the history of Manchurians and Mongolians, but it is the same as the history of Mongolia, and there is no history of 漢族 people in the history of mainland China.
The Chinese dynasty Yuan defined it as an "Goguryeo invasion" by the Sui and Tang Dynasties, describing that "Goguryo, Balahe, Baekje and Silla created an invasion of the Tang Dynasty because they built a country on one peninsula and attacked each other."
Your saying is allWrong.
My comment :
헛소리 때문에 졸음이 몰려온다. 당신이 언급하는 이야기는 모두 동양세계 인구 다수의 중국인의 입장에서 본 역사구조이며 이는 대다수가 알고있는 일반지식이다.
당신이 중국인이던 동이족을 중세의 동이족 개념에 포함함으로써 역사를 왜곡해 너희 중국인들이 수천년동안 타민족들을 멸종시켜왔듯 마찬가지의 행동을 원한다고 나는 해석한다. 그럼 이 해석에 대한 반론을 제시해야 하는데 일반지식을 읊는다면 그것이 논리적으로 무슨 기능을 하는지 이해할 수 없다.
난 당신에게 제공하지 않는 근거 자료를 알고있으며,
당신이 나에게 가치있는 근거를 제공하지 않는다면 나또한 당신에게 자료를 이용해서 글을 작성할 이유가 없다.
그리고 역사적 자료를 제대로 인지하지 않는 쪽은 중국인이다.
내가 중국인인 당신에게 제시해도 문제없는 예시들을 당신에게 보여주겠다.
1. 중국계 한국인은 김씨가 소호금천씨의 후예라고 망상하는데 그러면, 어째서 신라 4대 왕이 중국인 이민자를 수용했는지 이해할 수가 없으며, 후대의 기록은 당대 신라 왕조의 왕권강화와 당나라와의 친선을 위한 프로파간다로 이해하는 해석이 세계의 주류 해석이다. 하지만 중국계 한국인과 중국인은 반드시 김씨를 중국인으로 분류한다. 참 재미있는 역사적 해석이다. 또한 여기서 중국인들은 신라 4대왕이 아이누족이라거나 만주에서 온 민족이라는 현실외면을 통한 역사왜곡을 행한다. 유감스럽게도 이는 동양세계에서 수천년 동안 중국인들이 역사왜곡을 실행한 방법 중에 하나이다.
2. 2002년 한국은 민족주의를 이끄는 중국계 한국인에 의해서 중국 신화의 치우가 월드컵 응원에 국가적 단위로 활용되었다. 하지만, 치우는 O2a1집단과 관련이 깊고 현대 한국에 분포하는 O2a2집단과는 관련이 없다. 본인들과 관련이 없더라도 일단 중국에 있는 신화라면 활용하는 기생충 민족스러운 행동양식이다.
3. 한국의 신라는 반도의 북부에서 이민온 고조선 6성씨가 건국했다고 주장된다. 하지만, 실제 발굴되는 유물에서 고조선계 유물은 발굴되지 않는다. 1145년에 중국계 한국인에 의해 지어진 삼국사기 기록에는 고조선의 6성씨가 등장한다. 이 고조선 6성씨는 중국대륙 북부에 분포하는 중국인의 성씨와 일치한다.6성씨가 신라초기부터 존재했다면 일본기록과 한국 기록에 신라 초기부터 존재해야한다. 하지만 최초의 역사서 등장은 700년대이다. 이제가기에 따르면 김씨가 이씨의 후손이다. 정말로 놀라운 역사날조 시도들이다. 얼마나 번식을 위해서 날조를 시도하는지 그 역겨움에 인간으로 대우할 가치를 못느낀다.
4.만주족이 말갈족과 같은 민족이다? 그러면 삼국사기 초기에 존재하는 말갈족은 어떠한 민족인가? 무지한 중국계 한국인 역사학자들은 이것을 가짜 말갈로 해석하지만 그것은 너희 중국인들이 너희의 번식과 섹스를 위해서 만든 거짓된 역사구조로 이해한 해석이기 때문에 발생하는 오류이다. 내 자료를 고작 너따위 중국인에게 제시할 필요는 없다고 생각한다.
또한 내가 당신이라는 번식만 생각하는 성행위 괴물인 유사인간 중국인에게 이만큼 많은 글자를 투자했기 때문에 당신에게 아래의 질문을 작성하겠다. 당신이 풀발해서 어떠한 답변을 작성하건 내 질문에 대답하지 않는다면 모두 무시하겠다.
I would like to ask the C-people writing here as follows. So, China, which propagates that the Huangdi XuanYuan(黃帝軒轅) is the ancestor of all Chinese, Haplo O-IMS-JST002611 Haplo O-M117 Haplo O-F122 Haplo C-F1067 Which of these is the true descendant of the Huangdi's Tribute? Considering the age of separation, there is only one of the following. The rest is a fabrication of Chinese history. The true descendants of the gōngzú(公族) are only 20% at the highest. Are all Chinese really descendants of the gōngzú? Also, how does it feel to live as a ‘human para-site’ living by parasitizing and destroying the Shang and Zhou kingdoms and taking away their names? I wouldn't stand disgust because of my dignity as a human being. How is it possible to endure such disgust and consume greasy Chinese food?
@김밥 동이의 이는 본래 시체를 의미했습니다.
당신들의 실제 정체성은 침투-기생 민족으로 타민족(선비족, 흉노족, 강, 저, 갈, 월, 만주족, 티베트, 위구르, 조선족 등)에게 기생해서 그들을 멸종시키는 것을 반복해온 민족이다. 너희는 정체성을 외면하고 조상의 악을 반복하는 최악의 집단이다. 강하게 언급할 생각은 없었으나, 유감스럽게도 당신의 도발은 선을 넘었다. 당신의 왜곡을 무시하고 넘어가기에는 너희로 인한 그 방관의 고통이 심각하지 않을 수 없다.
Comments :
まず、高句麗も渤海も、かつての版図が重なっていただけで、 現在の2国とは全く別の国家だということ どっちの歴史に属するかという議論の出発点がもうおかしい
金も後金(清)もどちらも女真族(確か遊牧民)の国なのに対して高句麗・渤海共にツングース系民族(満州の森とかで動物狩って生活してた人達)だからどっちもほとんど関係ないかな… どちらにせよ現代2国とは全く関係ないですね
まったく同感です。中国でも朝鮮でもなかった地域を次第に両国が侵略したというのが、一番正確な歴史でしょうね。 というかそもそも国家という概念を東アジアに当てはめるのがおかしい。 今の国家は西洋から広まった概念だからな? @あれだよあれ 女真族も、高句麗の貊族や渤海の靺鞨族と同じツングース系です。 女真族は馬による戦闘に慣れていたのでよく間違われますが、モンゴル高原の遊牧民族とは違って、狩猟・採集、牧畜・農耕で生活してました。 この地域は今は韓国ではない事は確か。現在の中国とロシアと北朝鮮だしね。 @aaaa あれでしょ、刀伊の入寇で荒らしに来た蛮族共でしょ? 結局、この何百年か後の満州国で日本人がまとめ上げた民族でしょ 南北アメリカ人が「偉大なインカ、アステカ文明を我が国の歴史から排除するな」と言ってるような感じ? @えいじゅ 数百年後のアメリカ人が、俺たちインディアンの子孫って言ってる様なもんじゃない? あれ?勘違いなら申し訳ないんだが確か女真族もツングース系だったような… 고구려가 한국 역사인건 일본 학계에서도 인정하는 사실이지만. 너는 중국 스파이냐? まあ、民族に関しては日本の歴史が世界でもガラパゴス的例外なだけというのはある。 イギリスの主要民族だって時代で変わってるし、スペインの一部がイスラム圏だった時代すらある。 その時代が「あった」と証を立てて残すのが歴史学の使命の一つとするなら、「高句麗」「渤海」という国があったと韓国が主張するのは間違ってはいない気がする。 @koda lita 高句麗と渤海という国があったと主張するのは実際その通りだし正しい でも全く違う国を自分の国の年表に入れるのは違うと思う どっちの起源でも無い気もするが、どちらの歴史でもあるような気もする。 歴史認識なので大切な話なのは間違い無いけど、高句麗は高句麗であり渤海は渤海。中国でも韓国でも無いような気もする。 事実高句麗があったこと、渤海があったことは間違いないが どちらかの歴史に帰属させるのも間違ってるような気もする。 外野がとやかくいうことでも無いけど 難しい議論ですね。 イタリアのような国もあるので、その辺りは現在の領土だけではなく、政治的な系統など見ていく必要もあるかもしれません。 @湧きS その理屈だと、アメリカ大陸史からアステカとかインカとか消えちゃうからね。 年表に入れるのは存在証明、「彼らが我らの祖先だ」とか言い出したら、それはまた別の話。 @koda lita それはそうだね一理ある 高句麗·渤海「俺たちはお前らに”滅ぼされた“国なんよ······ 寧ろなんでコリアンがその微妙な立場 理解できへんのや············」 @。泉此方 さらに遼東に残された高句麗の遺民は高麗を同族に認識したし。金国から(色々な差別をさせられたので)独立するため兄弟だと思った高麗に支援を要請したこともありますが コリアンが知らない微秒な部分はなんでしょうか? @Doramutong なんで、韓国歴史なのですか? 北朝鮮歴史ならわかりますが? 高句麗は民族も違いますよ。 高句麗ってどこの民族なんですか? @白州三郎 朝鮮半島史(もしくは朝鮮民族史)という呼び方が正しいかも高麗(コリアの語源になった国)は高句麗の後継国なので、朝鮮半島の歴史の一部であってるかと @渡部祐喜 新羅王家の生まれの弓裔が後高句麗を建国しその家臣が反乱起こして高麗建国 あの〜どのへんにオリジナル高句麗とのつながりがあるんでしょうかと @ホンクルイビト あの〜、私のコメントをちゃんと読んでいますでしょうか? ですから朝鮮史なら問題ないといっています。 彼等は韓国史というのを絶対にゆずらないのです。ですから国単位なら、せめて、北朝鮮じゃないですか? @あれだよあれ 金朝满清女真就是渔猎民族啊! 国単位じゃそうだけど、民族的な系譜としてはどちらがより近いかという。 高句麗に関しては朝鮮の歴史だから韓国が抗議するのも納得いくわ。 まぁ中国は昔アジアで覇権握ってたからナショナリズム的な視点から高句麗や渤海を卑下してた部分もあるんやろな。だからといってそれらを中国の歴史に組み込むのはおかしいと思うけど。 미자아빠 韓国側では民族の歴史だから敏感なんです。 紀元前2333年、モンゴル草原から移住した隷脈族が朝鮮を建国しました。 約2000年間貿易で繁栄しましたが、紀元前108年頃、中国の漢国の侵略により滅亡されました。 そして朝鮮出身の隷脈族は満州と朝鮮半島の至るところに散らばって多くの国を建てましたが、そのうち満州の隷脈族の国である扶余という国で生まれた、王族のコ・チュモンが扶余の南部地域に高句麗を建国しました。 そしてコ・チュモンの息子、温祚王が扶余の住民を率いて現在のソウル付近に移住し、百済を建国しました。 百済の以南には漢に滅亡された朝鮮出身の隷脈族が居住していましたが、彼らは三韓という部族国家を作り、農耕文化を発展させていました。 満州から移住した扶余出身の百済と以前から住んでいた三韓の隷脈族は朝鮮出身の同じ民族であり、その後、百済と統一しました。 韓国の英語名であるコリアは高句麗が語源です。 そして、今の大韓民国は朝鮮出身の隷脈族の歴史を継承しています。現在、大韓民国はアジア各地に散在している韓民族の中心となる国という意味です。そう言うことで韓国では現在、中国に住んでいる朝鮮族やロシアのシベリア一帯に住んでいるカレイスキーを含め、国境のなかった古代時代から満州とシベリアに住んでいる隷脈族、そして韓民族の人はその遺伝子を持ってて、韓国に親戚がいる場合、韓国国籍が簡単に取得できます。 過去の歴史を継承することってその国の存在の理由にもなりながら、国の法律にも影響を及ぼします。 韓国は高句麗の歴史を継承したため、コリアという名称を使っていますし、朝鮮の歴史を継承したため、近代の朝鮮が亡くなっても朝鮮国籍を持っていた人を韓国籍に変えることができました。 だから高句麗が中国の地方政権だっと言っちゃうと、今の韓国は国の存在の根拠がなくなるし、国籍法や領土法、憲法などに書いてある民族の概念自体が意味ないことになります。 マケドニア論争もな @미자아빠 コリア[Korea]の語源は高句麗ではなく高麗ですよ。高麗青磁という陶磁器がKoreaとして広まったためです。 隷脈族というのは初めて聞きました。検索しても出てこなかったのですが、学術的に承認された民族名なのでしょうか?
My comment :
Comments :
@KayArakawa 这也是中国的官方态度,但韩国却一直认为高句丽属于韩国历史,并且一直将中国东北视为自己曾经的领土,这就是矛盾所在,中国当然是不承认的。
金史の初期に、遼国に住んでいた渤海の流民と話すパートがあります。 歴史を知れば知るほど意味深長になるパートです。
all commnets from : 中韓で歴史問題が再燃…韓国の年表から消された「高句麗」「渤海」|TBS NEWS DIG Youtube. Archived from the original on 2022-09-24. Retrieved 2022-09-24.
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