My comments (22.09 ~23.01) - (2)

 My comments (22.09 ~ 23.01) - (2)

My comment :

Fact: There are ‘Lee’ surname in Korea, ‘Lee’ in Vietnam, ‘Lee’ in Singapore, and ‘Lee’ in China. All of these are actually immigrants from China. For example, Korean ‘Lee’ claims to have immigrated to Korea in 100 B.C. However, such record do not appear in historical data from Korea and Japan. The reason is that when Chinese immigrate to other country, they claim “the ancient peoples of the non-Chinese country are actually Chinese”. They immigrate with history fabrication. In addition, in Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore, Chinese people occupy the majority of the population through immigration and reproduction, and their history are taking over by Chinese immigrant by historical distortions. So is Lee, who claims to be Cambodian, really Cambodian? It is highly likely that 100 years later, the Chinese will be recorded as founding Cambodia.

 from: Rise & Fall of the Khmer Empire (History of Cambodia Summarized). YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-23. Retrieved 2022-12-23.

Comment :

Chinese and southeast Asians originated from Austronesians and negritos. Han dynasty and han Chinese were named after han river that is connected to Yangtze river and not yellow river. Chinese are 100% austronesian negritos. Chinese never lived in yellow river region. It was inhabited by koreanic and Mongolic peoples since time began. Koreanic and Mongolic peoples conquered ruled and colonized china for over 4000 years. Look up CONQUEST DYNASTY. Nearly every Chinese dynasty and chinese invention originated from koreanic Mongolic peoples. 95% or Chinese history is stolen from Korean Manchu mongol history. The Chinese have zero history remaining without stealing Korean Manchu mongol history. Look up CONQUEST DYNASTY. 95% of Chinese history is stolen from koreanic Mongolic peoples history. Chinese have zero history. Chinese only lived in han river Yangtze river southern china and burma and southeast Asia. Chinese never lived in yellow river region. please look up conquest dynasty. that is why most chinese people dont even look asian. most chinese look vietnamese thailand burma phillipines. also if a chinese person looks korean then the chances of that person having korean dna is 100%. millions and 10 millions of koreans manchus and mongols moved to northern china after conquering ruling and colonizing china for over 4000 years.......

My comment :

The Y Harplogroup, which accounts for the majority of Chinese, is the O2 group. The O1 group accounts for the majority of Southeast Asian and Japanese. It is O1 in the south of South Korea and O2 in the north of South Korea. Considering that Chinese Lee’s Tang Dynasty, distorted history as a descendant of the Gojoseon people in Korea in the begining, and that Seoul is the capital of Lee's Joseon, you can see that you are entirely wrong. There are ‘Lee’ surname in Korea, ‘Lee’ in Vietnam, ‘Lee’ in Singapore, and ‘Lee’ in China. All of these are actually immigrants from China. For example, Korean ‘Lee’ claims to have immigrated to Korea in 100 B.C. However, such record do not appear in historical data from Korea and Japan. The reason is that when Chinese immigrate to other country, they claim “the ancient peoples of the non-Chinese country are actually Chinese”. They immigrate with history fabrication that are same ethnic people. In addition, in Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore, Chinese people occupy the majority of the population through immigration and reproduction, and their history are taking over by Chinese immigrant by historical distortions. So is Chinese, who claims to be Southeast asian&Korean, really Southeast asian&Korean? It is highly likely that 100 years later, the Chinese will be recorded as founding Southeast Asian countries.

(I don't have to answer you, cause you write just absurd things. So I deleted the comments below)

Comment :

Robert e Lee American civil war general is also Chinese because his last name is Lee. Chinese and southeast Asians originated from Austronesians and negritos. Koreanic and Mongolic peoples conquered ruled and colonized china for over 4000 years. Look up CONQUEST DYNASTY. Nearly every Chinese dynasty and Chinese invention originated from koreanic and Mongolic peoples. Over 400 million Chinese wiped out by koreanic Mongolic peoples. Most Chinese look Vietnamese Thailand phillipines.

My comment (Deleted):

Stop distorting. I don't know if I really have to write this, but I will answer with as little information as possible to a stranger like you. 1.It is a coincidence that the American Lee has the same pronunciation as the Chinese Lee. And your ethnic people accidentally or intendtionaly stick to the same Chinese character shape or similar pronunciation, claiming to be the same ethnic people. Maybe, In the distant future, American General Robert Lee may also be distorted to Chinese. 2.It is an analysis that many Mongolians you are talking about are Haplo C group. The O2 ratio increases as it goes to the north of Korea. 3.Korea is "韓國" in Chinese character, and Seoul, the capital of Korea, was renamed by Syng-man Lee, the country's first president. The original name was "漢城". That's why Seoul's biggest river is the Han River(漢江). Chinese character 漢 means Chinese ethnic Han. In addition, the fact that dumb historians do not understand is that there is no record in Korea that ancient Koreans themselves said they were Han. What the Chinese heard from the Chinese who lived in the peninsula were Han people, and Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, which your people distort, never called themselves Han people until the Tang-Silla alliance was formed. Chinese argument was ignored until 600 years, but it was a lip service called Han people for the alliance. 4.And the origin of the name 漢 was a minority in Chinese continent, but the ancestors of modern Chinese took away their names through historical fabrication and used them. 越 is not 粤. 楚 is not 越. Your people’s distortions are not working to me. 5.The Shang gene is Haplo C, and neither Chinese nor Koreans are involved. Mongolia is C because they are related to each other. In the first, the Huns and Mongolia are not the same people. + The Korean national flag was written by Lee's Joseon Dynasty. After the war between Korea and Japan in the 1600s, Korea studied Japan. And to infiltrate the non-Chinese Japan, it induced the illusion of a kindred race. Distortion of the Dongyi concept is one of these. Yin and Yang is your Chinese culture not Asian culture. distorting the Yin-Yang into a woman and a man is a Chinese distortion of lust. I admit that the origin of the moe is in China. I can understant why your people has environmentally destructive population.

Comment :

HAN RIVER is the home of original Chinese. Han river is located in southern china and connected to the Yangtze river. It has nothing to do with yellow river. Chinese han dynasty and Chinese han people were named after the HAN RIVER. located in southern china and connected to Yangtze is the homeland of austronesians. Original Chinese were 100% austronesians. Chinese never lived north of yellow river. All Chinese are from han river Yangtze river and southern china and Burma and Southeast Asian. Koreanic and Mongolic peoples conquered ruled and colonized china for over 4000 years. Look up CONQUEST DYNASTY. Nearly every Chinese dynasty and invention came from koreanic Mongolic peoples. Chinese characters and china's first dynasties were of Koreanic origin. Chinese never lived in yellow river region. Yellow river region were inhabited mainly by koreanic Mongolic peoples since time began. 95% of Chinese history is based off Korean Manchu mongol peoples history. China has no history remaining if those stolen histories are excluded. 100% of original Chinese population were austronesians. They inhabited han river Yangtze river south of yellow river and all of southern china and Southeast Asia. Shang dynasty rulers we're of Koreanic origin while the people they ruled over were Chinese austronesian farmers.............

 from: Korean Three Kingdoms Period explained (History of Korea). YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-27. Retrieved 2022-12-27.

My comment :

Good work! But, here is a something wrong part. The northern part of Paddy Fields are ancestor of modern Chinese and modern Koreans, but the southern coast of Paddy Fields are ancestor of ancient Koreans and modern Japanese. The important thing is that ancient Korean are not ancestor of modern Korean, And modern Koreans are actually Chinese. These Chinese people mistake ancient Koreans for their ancestors, and this is why East Asian history academy have many nonsensical narratives in East Asian history interpretation. It may be ridiculous, but it is clearly true.

 from: The Animated History of Korea. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-24. Retrieved 2022-12-24.

Comment :

Great video, in my opinion, they already are the US right hand in the region behind closed door. We must not forget S.Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and the Philippines, which are little fingers of that right hand.

Comment :

I don't see S. Korea, Malaysia, or Singapore willing to join in but do agree with the rest of the countries you mentioned

Comment :

Don't count South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore on the US side. The Philippines remains a wild card and Japan may be.

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Liberate all American neocons.

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South Korea needs the US for its economy and military, the US has a Huge presence in South Korea and south koreas culture relies on the US

Comment :

South Korea doesn't mind protection it just doesn't wanna fight when it doesn't have too. At least that was President's Moon's position.

My comment :

Well.. Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore you mentioned are actually countries with a most population of Chinese. Stupid Americans give money when they pretend to fake fight with China. Then they use this money again between Chinese-ethnic countries, and China gain wealth and power again. Of course, no matter how much money you invest K-V-S or sanction China, it is natural that China continues to grow. Only the dumb United States doesn't know this.

Comment :

i understand your point but this is not so much about enhancement but preparedness. The China, Japan and US from this era are completely different from 75 five years ago, and if u r a Chinese American, the CCP won’t make any difference if there is a war. No one wants a war but …. Preparedness is a good way to avoid one.

 from: How Japan Hopes to Rival China Militarily. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-26. Retrieved 2022-12-26.

My comment :

Hello😊 I am a student from Korean Academy. I am so amazed by the similarity between word ‘Pasa’(=파사)(means true appear) and ‘Puri’(=뿌리)(means root) in Korea. Here’s what I realize : I realized that form of early Gaya kingdom’s golden crown and France’s symbol(Fleur de lis) are came from India. Also, I guess the symbol of Marundeeswar Temple had a great influence on Korea and Japan especially ‘Tomoe’ and ‘Hata clan’. In the future, I want to study Indian language and study Indo-Pacific history. Please let me know if anybody know a good way for study. Thank you for reading my comments😉

 from: WHO IS THIS SEEMBAVALAM | KOREAN TAMIL QUEEN | HEO HWANG OK HISTORY. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-30. Retrieved 2022-12-30.

 from: கொரியா மற்றும் தமிழ் தொடர்பு | Korean Tamil Queen | Seembavalam - Heo Hwang Ok | SundayDisturbers. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-30. Retrieved 2022-12-30.

My comment :

What people misunderstand is that barbarian can conquer the Chinese nation as a nation, but at the same time, Chinese immigrants change their population ratio to the Chinese people. And, this is done through a lot of internal history fabrication in China. Every civilization that contact with Chinese civilization is recorded as a descendant of the Chinese. East Asia is not originally homogenous, but homogenized. (For example, the Huns fled west, cause of feeling terrible about Chinese historical fabrication and immigration) That's why Chinese are originaly racist, and why other Eastern people are sensitive to race.

 from: Why are East Asian Countries so Ethnically Homogeneous?. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2022-12-31. Retrieved 2022-12-31.

My comment :

저거 시베리아 식인문화가 이동한거임. 사실 북방문화가 식인문화

 from: 세계 7대 불가사의 치첸이트사에서 발견된 고대인들의 충격적인 비밀들 [미스터리]. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-01-01. Retrieved 2023-01-01.

My comment :

China's academic history aims to destroy other countrys identity by history fabrication & immigrating to another country. Therefore, unlike the past, Korea is composed of Chinese people. So the ancient Koreans and the present Koreans are different people. After China takes over Korea, China conducts many distortions. In the 19th and 21st centuries, history distortion was carried out toward Japan. However, this historical distortion contradicts the previous historical distortion of Korea. Therefore, the Chinese people are now disturbed by the contradiction between the current history distortion and the past history distortion.

 from: Imagine if China Conquered Japan... (ft. Kraut). YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-01-03. Retrieved 2023-01-03.

My comment :

食人文化はシベリア地域のハプロC集団と関係が深いです。 古代ヨーロッパの先住民集団はハプロC集団で食人文化を持っていました。 中国の(遺物証拠上)最初の王朝である商は王族が食人を楽しんだという記録があり、商の遺物には頭蓋骨が積もった遺跡があります。商の後孫である孔子のハプロはCと分析されます。 アメリカ先住民はバリング海峡を通じて来たハプロC集団から食人文化を受け入れます。実際、アズテック以前の古代アメリカ文明には食人文化がありません。

 from: 【驚愕!!】あなたの知らない食人の歴史ー太古から現在まで:孔子も好物だった人肉. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-01-03. Retrieved 2023-01-03.

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