My comments (23.04 ~ 23.06) [Youtube]
My comments (23.04 ~ 23.06)
Comment (@leesy121312):
As Korean, i think this video exaggerate 녹둔도Noktundo issue with Russia. People and media don't think serious about this matter. And even some nationalist claim on 간도Gando is received in public as stupidity and mockery.
My comment :
Why do you represent all Koreans? Even though people like me disagree with you? From the perspective of native Koreans, I think that Russians would rather take over because both Chinese and Koreans are actualy Chinese anyway.
from: Why South Korea wants a piece of Russia. Youtube. Retrieved from on 2023-04-02.
주가 조작 의혹의 핵심 인물인 라덕연 대표에게 거액을 투자했던 투자자들을 대상으로 검찰이 본격적인 소환 조사에 나섰습니다.
이런 가운데 박영수 전 특별검사가 라덕연 대표 측 법인 두 곳의 법률 자문을 맡은 것으로 확인돼 논란이 일고 있습니다.
취재 기자 연결해 자세히 알아보겠습니다. 김다현 기자!
주가 조작 관련 수사에 속도가 붙는 것 같은데요.
지금까지 소환된 사람은 누구인가요?
검찰은 지난 3일부터 의사를 비롯한 투자자 여러 명을 참고인 신분으로 불러 조사하고 있습니다.
이들은 라덕연 대표에게 자신 명의의 휴대전화와 계좌 등을 넘기고 주식 투자를 맡긴 것으로 알려졌는데요.
수사를 통해 이들이 불법성을 사전에 인지했다는 사실이 밝혀지면, 참고인에서 피의자 신분으로 전환될 가능성도 있습니다.
검찰은 서울에서 병원을 운영하며 고액 투자 의사들을 모집하는 데 주도적인 역할을 한 것으로 알려진 병원장 A 씨를 조만간 불러 조사할 방침인데요.
이에 대해, 라 대표는 의사들은 자신을 믿고 투자한 것일 뿐 주도자나 동업자는 아니라고 선을 그었습니다.
라 대표 이야기 직접 들어보겠습니다.
[라덕연 / 투자자문업체 대표 : 돈을 많이 벌어다 드리니까 좋아서 주변에 소개해 주신 거지 그게 이제 저랑 동업했다고 하면 그분이랑 저랑 같이 한 것처럼 되잖아요. 그러니까 제가 한 거지 그분이랑 같이 한 건 아니거든요.]
검찰은 라덕연 씨와 주가 조작을 공모한 혐의를 받는 피의자들에 대한 소환 조사도 이어가고 있습니다.
또 박영수 전 특검이 라덕연 대표 측 법률 자문을 맡은 것으로 확인됐는데, 언제부터였나요?
박영수 전 특별검사는 먼저 지난해 9월, 라 씨의 측근으로 꼽히는 프로골퍼 안 모 씨가 운영하는 골프아카데미에서 법률 자문을 맡았습니다.
해당 골프 아카데미는 라 씨 측이 투자 수익금을 빼돌리는 '수수료 창구'로 활용했다는 의혹을 받고 있습니다.
이후 올해 1월부터는 안 씨가 운영하는 또 다른 승마연습장에서 법률 자문을 맡으면서 매달 550만 원씩 받아온 것으로 전해졌는데요.
지금까지 모두 6천6백만 원가량을 받은 것으로 알려졌습니다.
이에 대해 박 특검 측 법률대리인은 입장문을 내고, 두 회사 모두 레저 관련 사업을 하는 기업으로만 알았다고 해명했습니다.
최근 보도되는 주식투자 사건에 관련된 기업이라는 사실은 전혀 알지 못했다는 겁니다.
또 자문료를 받은 것 외에 개인적으로 투자하는 등의 어떠한 금전 거래 사실도 없다고 덧붙였습니다.
지금까지 사회1부에서 전해드렸습니다. YTN 김다현.
My comment :
그래서 고작 법률자문으로 철장에 넣고싶다?
from: '주가 조작' 고액 투자 의사 등 소환...박영수, 라덕연 측 2곳 자문 논란 / YTN. Youtube. Retrieved froml on 2023-05-06.
My comment :
초승달과 Shiva 즉 영감을 주는 우리의 상징
from: 부정적 생각을 효과적으로 극복하는 법. Youtube. Retrieved from on 2023-05-30.
Comment :
My comment :
from: 前年同月比57倍 韓国訪れた日本人観光客12万8000人 コロナ規制緩和と修学旅行背景|TBS NEWS DIG. Youtube. Retrieved from on 2023-05-31.
My comment :
이분 처음에 사이버펑크 깠던 분 아닌가? 이제와선 입싹닫고 칭찬하네ㅋ 이런거 보면 기분이 참😅
Comment :
싸펑은 처음나왔을때 개판이 맞았는데?? 지금 패치로 개선되었으면 칭찬해도 되는거 아니야?? 니자식이 시험을 0점 맞아서 혼냈고 그 후에 열심 공부해서 성적올렸으면 칭찬하는게 당연하지. 평생 혼낼래???
Comment :
팬텀 리버티는 플레이 해본 해외 유저들도 호평일색입니다. 첫출시 싸펑은 누구한테나 까였구요.
My comment :
입장정리부터 하면, 당연히 저도 현재의 사이버펑크에 대해서 호평하는 입장입니다. 제 유튜브 게시글을 보면 알겠지만, 남들 다 사펑 욕할때 소수파로서 사펑 칭찬하고, 모드팩도 만들어서 게시한 입장입니다. 그런 내 입장에서 처음에 욕하다가 이제와서 칭찬하는 몇몇 유튜버들을 어떻게 봐야할까요? 이미 1.6전부터 충분히 버그수정하고 좋은게임이 되어도 비평하던 사람들이, 간사하게도 1.6패치, 팬텀dlc를 핑계삼아서 칭찬하는 모습이 좋아보일까요?
My comment :
그리고 자식과 부모의 관계로 사펑과 한국게이머의 관계를 묘사하는 것은 매우 부적절합니다. "구매하고 계속 사펑을 지지한 입장의" 게이머라면 동의하지만, 그게 "대다수의 한국의" 게이머는 아니죠. 사펑은 그 한국게이머에게 빚진 것이 없습니다.
from: "스타필드" 한국 유저 기만 불매ㄷㄷ "팬텀 리버티"의 반격!! 유저 한국어 패치가 필요한가?. Youtube. Retrieved from on 2023-06-19.
My comment :
덕분에 많이 공부하고 있습니다. 항상 감사합니다😊
from: 역사재해석 - 중원에서 '농민의거 란' 없었다!. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-06-19.
Comment (@ASISIChannel):
Jadi, ada kisah naga apa di daerahmu? Monggo dishare untuk memperkaya wawasan kita 🙏
Comment :
di daerah saya kediri masih ada naga, naganya berwarna hijau, biasanya muncul setelah acara selamatan😅
Comment :
candi mirigambar yang oleh masyarakat setempat disebut candi angkling darma dipercaya dijaga oleh beberapa makhluk gaib, salah satunya naga mas
Comment :
Mas asisi.. setahu saya orang dayak juga punya kisah tentang naga. Dan di rumah khas dayak juga ada ukiran naga.
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Kisah rawapening. Waktu kuliah, ada satu majalah ( cakrawala) yg bercerita ttg naga rawa pening. Dan ada salah satu tulisan yg bercerita bhw kisah tsb adalah salah satu cara dari leluhur utk menceritakan suatu peristiwa besar yg terjadi. ( mis : gempa atau hancurnya kerajaan). Dimana para pujangga tdk menceritakan secara terbuka tetapi menutupi dng suatu kisah agar tdk membuat masyarakat chaos.
Comment :
Ortu saya asli Dayak Kalimantan Barat, Mas Asisi. Dulu waktu saya kecil, bapak pernah melukis (sekadar hobi), salah satunya naga. Kemungkinan berdasarkan cerita naga dari Sungai Kapuas itu, karena kampung bapak memang pas di tepi anak Sungai Kapuas
Comment :
Ada kak Asisi.. Naga penunggu Tlaga Pegat peninggalan Sunan Giri Gresik, konon masih sering menampakkan diri pada orang-orang tertentu.
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Dalam kitab/Sastra di Sulawesi Selatan yg ditulis dalam aksara Lontara', masih sangat banyak referensi dan kepercayaan terkait naga
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Di tiap daerah memiliki "dongeng" yg di yakini masyarakat setempat sebagai asal usul yang berkaitan dengan tempat seperti di daerah saya di wilayah Cirebon Barat masyarakat nya meyakini adanya Naga dengan nama KI SLIWA
Comment :
Ada legenda di kota ku Jatinom Klaten ,. Ular Naga dari Indrokilo Daerah Skitar Pengging Boyolali ,.Dulu ada cerita Ular itu mnjadi pagebluk di wil sini , trus ceritanya itu ular naga di musnahkan oleh Ki Mentorogo klo ndak salah , konon di tancapin keris di Telak e / mulut dlam pas Mangap 😁😁🙏🙏
My comment :
Nice to meet you. I am a YouTube viewer from Korea😊. I am writing a comment to post information about dragons in Korea and Japan. In ancient Korean nation, the Chinese character of Jin, is 辰. And 辰, in the ancient sorcery sense, means dragon and Mercury. In Japan, there is “Yamata no Orochi”. In fact, Chinese dragons were stolen from the southern sea of Korea by the Chinese. This is confirmed by the names of the ancestral gods that the Chinese worship. 神農 is Chinese ancestral god. And, 農 means “taken from 辰”. This Chinese god was god of farming.
from: Berber Naga & Ular Raksasa Nusantara: Dari Candi Jawa, Sumatra, Hinge Papua. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-06-19.
Comment (@00simaya40) :
東大神族₌殷(商)国の黄帝の一族 日神₌アヌンナキのアヌ(アン)王₌日祖₌伊弉諾→日孫₌素戔嗚 東戎₌縄文人で黄帝が₌東戎なので殷・周・秦・漢は皆、東戎₌縄文人と成る。
Comment (@weyfey) :
My comment :
殷の遺骨から発見される遺伝子はハプロC2とQ1 あの<日本’人‘>とはほとんど関係X
from: 【日孫】スサノオと倭人のトーテム【神話編1章~4章】〜古書から日本の歴史を学ぶ〜. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-03-30.
My comment :
from: 만들어진 역사, 오제(五帝) l 박성우 박사 l Hongik Foundation | DW News. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-04-02.
My comment :
정 대사는 왜 하나의 중국을 지지함? 제정신임?
from: [1일1뉴스] 프레지던트 운? 방문 대통령 이름도 모르는 미국…중국은 '최악' 직격 / JTBC News. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-04-24.
Comment :
The title of "barbarian nation" was given by default by the Chinese to all other nations. Every nation outside of China had a specific "barbarian" term to be referred to that varied according to the location, hence, the Japanese belonged to the category of "eastern barbarians" ("dong-yi" 東夷).
Comment :
China was than the most develop in this part of the world.
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...says Chinese, but not others
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It can be easily proven. Visit most American or European museums and you find the most advance historic artifacts during that period were mainly from China.
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Chinese and most Europeans that visited China before the 16th century, apparently. Most famously Marco Polo, who was from the most advanced part of Europe at the time.
My comment :
Really? Are you Chinese who wants to use the dong-yi concept? The Chinese use conceptual distortion to destroy other ethnic. The way the Chinese chose to annihilate the Japanese is to call the Japanese as dong-yi, as you say. You are joining the sneaky malice of the Chinese.
Comment :
China was better than Rome may be debatable, but in the time of Marco Polo, it was much more advanced than anywhere on Earth. The reports Marco Polo wrote about China were so fantastic that Europeans did not believe him and on his death bed, they asked him to recant "his lies", but he refused, and he said truth was, the civilization he had visited was the greatest in the world. This is historical fact, do not let loyalty to your own culture and people bias your view of history.
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When Marco Polo died, the Ottoman Empire was still quite young but as they were built on the Muslim Empires before them. Because of the technological exchange via Mongol invasions and the silk road it is quite likely that they were on a similar level.
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Japanese ancestor
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Major parts of India would probably supercede that, but China is a close second. Although if you are talking about post 14th century, I would agree, particularly as India's colonization began earlier (via the Mughals, Turks, etc)
Comment :
english was also invented by china. says the chinese.
Comment :
but South Asia and Southeast Asia were Maritime Civilization and Austronesian who conquered and colonized entire Pacific Region, Maritime in Southeast Asia, Madagascar, Southern Islands in Japan, Taiwan, Central Vietnam.. and entire Southeast Asia were heavily influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism culture. and look at Megalithic Architectures found in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. Youtube. Retrieved from2023-04-16.
Comment (@Sara.cbc92):
*Update with anthropological, archeological, eugenics and linguistics evidence to debunk Koreans' claims on Japanese genetics, language and culture. 1) Eugenics - The latest genetic research have concluded that most modern Japanese (Kofun) originated from Yangtze basin, Yellow river, China while they are not determined Han Chinese. This accounts for more than 70% of modern Japanese people. The rest are relegated to Yayoi, Jomon, Ainus, Ryukuans and the inevitable mix of these varying genetics. It's crucial to add that the Yayoi are not Koreans despite the persistent claims by the Koreans. They are related to Japanese as they are to the Han Chinese. Japanese pirates who raided Korean coasts are recorded numerous times to be ethnic Han Chinese. Rice DNA destroys Korean migration theory. Koreans didn't even carry a majority of rice in Kyushu. The Korean peninsula is a mountainous terrain which isn't ideal for growing crops or rice. The technology of rice irrigation itself came from Yangtze river which further cements the theory of Japanese-China origins. Wa (Japan) state ruler Queen Himiko claimed herself to be descendent of King Taibo of Wu. Japanese carry far greater Ydna (O3) than Koreans even though Koreans carry a large amount as well due to Han Chinese. Haploid 2b are given to South Koreans through Japanese excursions, diplomatic marriages, frequent raids from Xiongnu, Xiangbein (Mongolic) and Jurchen (Manchu) raids upon Korean territories. This is why North Koreans have almost no 2b. Koreans lacked naval abilities, navigation and sea warfare, therefore none of the Korean states dared to live close to the shores and Silla was almost completely destroyed by frequent raids from Japan. Han Chinese commandaries existed everywhere on the peninsula and even the modern day capital Seoul (City of Han) named after the Han Chinese as well as it's flag designed by a Chinese official based on Yin Yang, Bagua, I-Ching and Taoist philosophy. Koreans are closely related to the Evenki. They also share the same practice of worshipping Totem poles which doesn't exist in Japan. Phenotype wise, Koreans have extremely thin small eyes, straight hair, big bodies, wide jaw, flat face, high cheekbones while Japanese have almond to big eyes, more refined hair, longer face, slender body, dental protusion/misalignment, bowed legs. The 2 couldn't be more different. While there are some Japanese that may look Korean, one could argue the same with some Koreans looking Chinese. There's also the migration of Zainichi Koreans after the war who accounts for Korean genes detected in the Japanese populace. 2) Archeology/Artifacts - Jared Diamond argued that Japan had historical relics similiar to that of Korea which led to his absurd conclusion Japanese thus originated from Korea. This couldn't be further from the truth. In the video, Jared refers to the bronze mirror called Shinjū-kyō (神獣鏡, "deity and beast mirror") which is an ancient round bronze mirror decorated with images of gods and animals from Chinese mythology. The shinjū-kyō style of bronze mirror originated from the Chinese magic mirrors and was frequently produced during the Han dynasty, Three Kingdoms, and Six Dynasties (1st–6th centuries CE). Therefore we can deduce that Koreans also copied this from the Chinese, and Japanese could be from China or learnt the techniques directly from China. 3) Linguistics - Koreans often claim Korean and Japanese are in the same Altaic category of languages. However this is a huge fallacy. Japanese language is uniquely Japonic and Korean is a Tungus/Altaic language similiar to Evenki. Koreans would argue from the point of Korean and Japanese sharing a similar grammar. English and Chinese also share the same grammar, it doesn't make them the same. The Altaic hypothesis has also been debunked by historical linguists Alexander Vovin and Toh Soo Hee. Other than grammar, the 2 languages are not related due to a lack of cognates other than loanwords (Onyomi, Kanji + Hanja pronunciation) which are both borrowed from the Chinese language. Infact the Korean language is strongly influenced by Dravidian languages like Tamil besides Chinese. Hundreds of words, basic Nouns and pronouns like Appa (father) and Ama (mother) are exactly the same in Korean and Tamil. This is completely different from Japanese. A Korean King Suro of Gaya also married an Indian woman, Heo Hwang-ok, also known as Suriratna. The Indian connection can't be understated.
My comment :
Another wrong American who knows nothing and is being deceived by a distorted Chinese history book. Taibo of Wu is the ancestor of the Japanese? Do you know that Taibo of Wu is a Chinese Ji-clan and 70% of modern Chinese are descendants of Ji-clan? Taibo of Wu is an aggressor who invaded the baiyue people who originally lived in the Yangtze River basin. And since there is an ancient legend identical to the legend of Taibo of Wu, it is written exactly the same in the Xia dynasty legend record. This shows that the YDna O3 group of Chinese distorted the history of the O2 & O1 group, which is a Baiyue. Taibo of Wu is a fake who stole the legend of ancient Baiyue. In addition, the Y-Haplogroup of modern Chinese is O3 and tends to increase as it goes to northern China. In Korea, it(O3) is often seen in Lee of the Joseon Dynasty. and Gojoseon people(just argue). And it is often seen by Korean surnames who claim to be Gojoseon. However, according to genetic research, the Gojoseon is a descendant of the Shang Dynasty in China and is Y-Haplogroup C2. This also shows that the Chinese took the legend of Gojoseon. It is a very common phenomenon in East Asia for the Chinese to steal legends and claim that they are ancestors of other ethnic.
Comment :
please Korean historical resources such as 三國史記 or 三國遺事.
Comment (@Sara.cbc92):
Lol, Korea is known to spread pseudo history and historical distortions when in comes to China and Japan because they are leader to no one and subjects to all. I'm Canadian of Asian ancestry. I have a major in East Asian anthropology and a polyglot well versed in Chinese, Japanese, Malay, French. I have far more authority on the subject than you ever will. Chinese history and civilization predates Korea (no such term during the Tang dynasty). Book? Let's talk about books as the Chinese invented the paper, ink and essentially documented the earliest records of the Tunguistic nomads that were roaming Silla and Baekje & And Queen Himiko was omitted from Nihon Shoki (日本書紀) for obvious reasons and her existence questioned in Japanese literature. No need to further respond to your false arguments.
My comment :
What are you talking about. There is no Korean race in the world, and Koreans are just Chinese who insist that they are not Chinese. And O3 is Chinese, they continue to distort history, and to write O3 as Japanese because historical distortion and immigration are traditional strategies of the Chinese. Misinformation spreads because of Americans who pretend to know everything like you. +) Additionally, the ‘‘Xia Dynasty’’ record is presumed to be an integration of some ancient stories.
from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. Youtube. Retrieved from2023-04-25.
My comment :
Frankly, the Chinese are always ignored because they always lie. And it is just a general phenomenon. However, I feel a great sense of crisis at the such situation that lies are presented in such video, as English users are deceived by the lies and spread the information thinking it is true.
from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. Youtube. Retrieved from2023-04-25.
Comment (@DynastyUK):
I remember when I visited Beijing, A girl told me they were taught 500 chinese men, and 500 chinese women went to Japan and populated it. and through the inbreeding is why they have fatter rounder faces. (I know!! but she was deadly serious!) They were taught to absolutely despise the Japanese, yet for some reason obsessed with KAT-TUN and other JPop groups of the time. 😂🤣
Comment (@Sara.cbc92):
Inbreeding actually happened in the Korean peninsula. Not Japan. Obviously she was exaggerating. The myth of a Chinese general and 500 women sent to Japan to gather the Elixir of life is just that. A myth.
Comment (@DynastyUK):
Ah yes that must have been it! Thanks, I've never heard anyone else mention it before. I just found it bizzare and didn't bother mentioning the Japanese again while there 😅
My comment :
You're tricked again. In Korea, there are 4 regions that claim that Xu Fu has come, and 3 in Japan. And they are actually all Chinese immigrants and claim that their ancestors are Xu Fu. You are now supporting the Chinese historical distortion. Here are Chinese made fake history books in Korea and fake tombstones. However, scientific investigations have shown that it is fake. It was fabricated in the Middle age of Joseon Dynasty. It is serious in Japan, but the Chinese built a museum claiming that Xu Fu came, and made a fake history book claiming that Xu Fu built a dynasty in Tokyo, Japan. According to the claims of the Chinese immigrants people in Korea and Japan, Xu Fu left descendants at 4 places of Korea, made monuments, left descendants at 3 places of Japan, and arrived as far as Tokyo to form a dynasty. 😂😂 Xu Fu never even came to even Korea, and he just drowned and dead by delusion. Always, the problems arise because you foreigner are always deceived by the Chinese.
from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. Youtube. Retrieved from2023-04-25.
My comment :
It is a real mystery to them who say in the comments that “why Korea and Japan hate each other? It is mystery.” Answer is very simple. The real identity of Koreans now is Chinese who claim to be not Chinese. The Chinese immigrated to Korea after the ‘Tang Dynasty’ destroyed two countries on the K.Peninsula in ‘Korean three kingdoms period’. And thousands of years later, this Tang Chinese call themselves descendants of the ancient Korean people they destroyed. But this is not true at all, the people who originally lived on the Korea from old time were used by the ‘Tang Chinese’ as slaves or become pirates. For example, Lee/Li/Yi clan of the K.Peninsula, who claims to be Korean, claims to be a ‘Baekje’ descendent, one of the three ancient kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula. However, if you look at the historical records the real Baekje people lived as slaves or pirates. And Japan was an ally with ‘Baekje’, and there were nobles from Baekje in Japan. So I don't understand why people think it's a mystery.
from: Why Do Japan and Korea Hate Each Other? Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-04-27.
My comment :
Why Korea and Japan hated each other? Answer is very simple. The real identity of Koreans now is Chinese who claim to be not Chinese. The Chinese immigrated to Korea after the ‘Tang Dynasty’ destroyed two countries on the K.Peninsula in ‘Korean three kingdoms period’. And, thousands of years later, this Tang Chinese call themselves descendants of the ancient Korean people they destroyed. But, this is not true at all, the people who originally lived on the Korea from old time were used by the ‘Tang Chinese’ as slaves or become pirates. For example, Lee/Li/Yi clan of the K.Peninsula, who claims to be Korean, claims to be a ‘Baekje’ descendent, one of the three ancient kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula. However, if you look at the historical records, the real Baekje people lived as slaves or pirates. And Japan was an ally with ‘Baekje’, and there were nobles from Baekje in Japan. So I don't understand why people think it's a mystery.
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what a nonsense lol are you chinese?
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These chinese need to shut the fuck up, and mind your own business😂
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뭔개소리? 난 한국인이고 팩트를 말하는 것 뿐이다. 유전적 증거로 중국인 이민자들의 역사왜곡은 증명되고 있다.
My comment :
애당초 조선시대 해적, 노예 기록에서 사씨나 백제계 성씨가 등장하므로 진짜 백제인은 몰락한 것이고, 이민 온 중국인들이 '우리가 그럼 백제인입니다'라고 역사왜곡하면서 주장하는 것이 현재의 한국임.
from: Why South Korea and Japan hated each other?. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-05-06.
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More than 2000 years ago, a large number of Chinese elites and technical personnel sent by Emperor Qin. They moved to ancient Japan (including the ancient Korean Peninsula and ancient North Vietnam). There were also some Chinese nobles and officials who fled to ancient Japan because of the war ... For example: Emperor Qin's son. Yang Guifei of the Tang Dynasty. Of course they are not alone. Instead, they arrived in ancient Japan by a team. These Chinese elites moved to Japan. They are responsible for developing a very primitive place in ancient Japan (backward and lack of resources). Establish a local local regime in the local area. The Chinese emperor named ancient Japan as "東瀛 dong ying & 扶蘇 fusu & 倭wo". As one of the regions of China's power jurisdiction. It is closely related to the Chinese royal family and the official. For example: 卑彌呼 Himiko. She is the adoptive daughter of the Chinese emperor. She is a Chinese female official position. On behalf of the Chinese emperor, she is responsible for governing Japan. All funds are supported by the Chinese royal family. She knows Chinese Taoist ghosts and magic spells and divination. She is fluent in Chinese language (official language and Han dialect) and Chinese characters...... During the Tang Dynasty, Chinese national strength was more powerful. The navigation technology was stronger. The Chinese emperor sent a fleet to Japan. Some Chinese people followed the fleet and returned to China (there may be a small number of japan's indigenous slaves followed). This is almost 70 years apart. They asked the Tang Emperor to send more Chinese elite teams, high -tech personnel and a large number of Chinese products to go to Japan 倭. This is the " Tang ambassador 遣唐使 "recorded in history. They are ancient Chinese . After that, a large number of Chinese officials, nobles and elites also appeared on ancient Japan 倭 (Today Japan still has many ancient Chinese tombs and unearthed cultural relics ). Ancient Chinese architects built a Chinese palace in ancient Japan 倭. Exercise China's official governance system. Representing this place (ancient Japan) was occupied by the Chinese. The Chinese and a large number of Chinese culture naturally appeared in ancient Japan 倭. anicant Japan 倭 in this period. Chinese culture is an explosive growth. Including : Dragon Totem (representing Chinese imperial power), Chinese characters, Chinese scholars (recorded local history), Chinese architect (Chinese palace), Chinese physician, Chinese monk, Chinese martial artist, Chinese artist (music, painting, calligraphy, chess art, tea culture..........), Chinese growers, various technical personnel in China (cloth, iron, weapons ...), Chinese officers, Chinese coins, a large number of Chinese products and Chinese history books ....... all appeared in ancient Japan. These are used to use it to the local Chinese nobles and Chinese. They call Japan at that time "China 中國" and "Shenzhou 神州" (the Han people's named beauty to China). They have always been proud of the Chinese identity and the Han family. At that time in ancient Japan 倭. In addition to the Chinese regime, there are more than 100 indigenous tribes (including Japanese ancestors today). They often attack local Chinese. These contents are recorded in history. In the 13th century in Japan. Some of these indigenous people (speaking Japanese language. Hairstyle is bald in the top of the head) occupied the Chinese palace. Killing some senior Chinese officials. Control all Chinese technicians. Forcing them to join the "Japanese 日本人". And let these Chinese provide Chinese high culture and technology for their rule. Help and continue to develop "Japan 日本", a country that is performed by indigenous people. These indigenous people re -named this place is "Japan 日本". And protest and provocative to the Chinese royal family. Local Chinese scholars (forced to become Japanese) use Chinese Chinese characters to create "Japanese characters" that can be suitable for Japanese language. Later. Chinese emperor Wu Zetian 武則天 knew that China's "倭" was captured and occupied. She instructed officials to modify the ancient Japanese name of history. From then on, in the Chinese history book, the Chinese city "倭" was renamed "Japan日本". 《舊唐書》中有《倭國傳》,而且增加了《日本國傳》。其《傳》云:「日本國者,倭國之別種也。以其國在日邊,故以日本為名。或曰:倭國自惡其名不雅,改為日本。或云:日本舊小國,並倭國之地。其人入朝者,多自矜大,不以實對,故中國疑焉。」
My comment :
Copying other comments I wrote in the past. I don't have to invest my efforts to you. 1. In Korea, there are 4 regions that claim that Xu Fu has come, and 3 in Japan. And they are actually all Chinese immigrants and claim that their ancestors are Xu Fu. You are now supporting the Chinese historical distortion. Here are Chinese made fake history books in Korea and fake tombstones. However, scientific investigations have shown that it is fake. It was fabricated in the Middle age of Joseon Dynasty. It is serious in Japan, but the Chinese built a museum claiming that Xu Fu came, and made a fake history book claiming that Xu Fu built a dynasty in Tokyo, Japan. According to the claims of the Chinese immigrants people in Korea and Japan, Xu Fu left descendants at 4 places of Korea, made monuments, left descendants at 3 places of Japan, and arrived as far as Tokyo to form a dynasty. 😂😂 Xu Fu never even came to even Korea, and he just drowned and dead by delusion. Always, the problems arise because you foreigner are always deceived by the Chinese. 2. It is a real mystery to them who say in the comments that “why Korea and Japan hate each other? It is mystery.” Answer is very simple. The real identity of Koreans now is Chinese who claim to be not Chinese. The Chinese immigrated to Korea after the ‘Tang Dynasty’ destroyed two countries on the K.Peninsula in ‘Korean three kingdoms period’. And, thousands of years later, this Tang Chinese call themselves descendants of the ancient Korean people they destroyed. But, this is not true at all, the people who originally lived on the Korea from old time were used by the ‘Tang Chinese’ as slaves or become pirates. For example, Lee/Li/Yi clan of the K.Peninsula, who claims to be Korean, claims to be a ‘Baekje’ descendent, one of the three ancient kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula. However, if you look at the historical records, the real Baekje people lived as slaves or pirates. And Japan was an ally with ‘Baekje’, and there were nobles from Baekje in Japan. So I don't understand why people think it's a mystery. 3. Aha, and I know you're a Chinese immigrant. What I want to tell you is the truth that no one likes your Chineseized thought. After immigrating to another country, the Chinese always claim that their country’s ancestors were Chinese. For example, 1. they claim that the ancestors of the Japanese are Chinese XuFu, 2. the ancestors of the Bournais are Hwang Chinese, 3. the Native Americans are Chinese, (Therefore, Chinese immigration to the America is rightous, so the Chinese claim to be them self as the savior of Native Americans.) 4.and even Jesus is Chinese too. (This are what Really Chinese claiming today)😂😂 The reason why Chinese immigrated and created Chinatown is because the people of the country they immigrated to have been always extincted by the Chinese imigrants. Therefore, Chinese people take for granted the future of "non-Chinese people extinct & changing their country to Chinese nation." That's how your ancester immigrate to Canada and way of thinking of Chinese sinicizationism people. 4. Genetically, the closest group to modern Koreans is the Northern Chinese. Neither the Jurchens nor Yevenki. The people who are exactly the same as your Chinese people are Koreans. The YDna haplogroup of the Jurchen is C2, which is found in about 15 percent in Korea. On the other hand, YDna haplogroup O3 of North Chinese, which accounts for 50% of your China, accounts for 48% of Korea, showing that modern Koreans are descendants of your Northern Chinese. I know why Chinese peoples are distorting Asian history. From your Chinese point of view, it is better for Westerners not to know the truth, and If you Chinese and Korean chaebol Chinese distort history by arguing, "Koreans are not Chinese" then this means they are possible to manipulate impressions as like “Koreans are evil people, but Chinese people are good people”(Cause Koreans and Chinese are different ethnic, according to just their argument) However, the truth is that for the O1 and O2 groups, the O3 group is an object of eternal revenge. Do you know a revenge of Yue to Wu? If you are Chinese-minded people, you will definately know the story. Like that story, if even the kingdom of Yue extinct, we will surely make you guys Ch extinct too. It is an never changing relationship between Your Chinese asian and non-Chinese Asian. Who is the group that advocates Asian unity? They are only your Chinese. But truth is even if all Asians, including me, die, We want to get rid of all of your Chi people. This is the true relationship between our people and your peole, and what really want is eternal revenge.
from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. Youtube. Retrieved from2023-05-06.
Comment :
훌륭한 해석입니다. 夷를 태양으로 해석하신 것은 정확한 것 같습니다. 중국사전과 일본사전애는 오랑캐라고 해석은 없습니다. 서경에서는 중국은 경사 즉 수도라는 의미라고 설명하였습니다. 많이 배우고 있습니다. 감사합니다
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선진 시대의 "동이"=C people. 왜 동이의 정의가 바뀌었을까? 간단하다 세계사회의 미덕이 '진실'인것과는 다르게, 중국인들의 미덕은 '거짓'이기 때문이다. 누가 더 잘 남을 속이는지가 미덕인 사회가 중국사회이며 이들의 역사적 가치는 인류역사에 영원히 역겨움을 기억하게 하는 장치로서만 의미를 가진다.
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동이는 동쪽 사람 이라는 뜻…갑골문자에 보면 이는 사람인과 유사함..다만 무릅 을 구부린 모양임. 즉 우리 민족을 말함, 일본인은 아직도 무릅을 구부리고 앉음..그래서 우리가 누이 그이 라고함…한자는 우리 민족이 만든 증거임…갑골문자 확인해 보시길…인자와 이자를.
from: 조옥구 교수의 고문자로 보는 역사 강좌 | 30강 | 우리는 중국이라 하고, 지나인은 우리를 왜 동이라고 했는가?. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-05-13.
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The real history is that a Chinese rapist raped a female moon god priest and made her his wife, and the moon god priest ran away from the rapist. The disgusting continentals have distorted and romanticized this history. Don't be fooled by the Chinese.
from: [NEWS] Myths and Legends about Celestial Bodies in Different Cultures Party 2. Youtube. Retrieved from 2023-05-25.
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그거야 한국인은 당나라인이잖니?
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정확히 한국인= 자기가 한국인이라고 자칭하는 중국인. 따라서, 백제가 1세기든 3,4세기든 어차피 한국사가 아닌데, 왜들 조작을하려는지 ㅉㅉ
from: 백제 건국시기는 알려진 것과 조금 다르다 #shorts. Youtube. Archived from the original on 2023-03-13. Retrieved2023-03-13.
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