[Youtube] My comments (December / 2023)

 [Youtube] My comments (December / 2023) 

My comment :

最近のイスラエル・パレスチナ(ハマス)紛争に、ヘズボラとハマスの支援者を「イラン」と単純に考えていますが、「イラン」は Shia派の盟主であり、ヘズボラは Shia派、ハマスは Sunni派であるため、「イラン」の立場からすると、ハマス(Sunni派)はあまり支援したくない対象です。例えば、イラン(Shia派)はずっとハマス(Sunni派)を支援してきましたが、2011年のシリア反政府デモの際、ハマスは Sunni派であるシリア国民の立場を支持します。そのため、数年間ハマスとイランは仲が悪かった歴史があります。そのため、ハマスとイランの関係は直接的な友好関係ではありません。 また、第一次世界大戦(1914〜1918年)に例えると、セルビア(Slavs系)がロシアの同盟国だったが、結局はバルカン半島が紛争の主導権を握っていたように、イランがヘズボラの背後ですが、イランが主導権を握っているわけではありません。ヘズボラが戦争を起こせば、イランは従う立場であり、これを「イランが主導している」と単純に表現するのは正しくないです。また、ヘズボラもレバノンの世論に注意しなければならない。例えば、2006年にイスラエルがレバノンを完全に壊滅させ、そのため戦争を起こしたヘズボラがレバノン国民から反感を得る歴史があります。今でもヘズボラが参戦を躊躇する理由の一つとして機能しています。 中東にもと住んでいたユダヤ人は、ローマに対する反乱の後、全て消えたのでしょうか? 多くの人が勘違っているのは、パレスチナ国家というアイデンティティがもともと存在していたという勘違いです。いいえ、元々パレスチナという国家は存在せず、アイデンティティもありませんでした。ユダヤ人はナチスに弾圧され、その背景で1947年にユダヤ人はパレスチナ国家建設を目指し、欧米の支援を受けてローズ公聴会を開きます。聴聞会でアラブ側の代表が「パレスチナという国は一度もなかった」そして「パレスチナはシリアの一部である」と話しました。悲劇はここから始まります。なぜこのような発言をしたのか?すべての交渉のアラブ側代表は、パレスチナの住民代表ではなく、シリアの代表がしました。なぜでしょうか?パレスチナは主に小作農が住んでいて、シリア人が彼らの大地主だったからです。交渉は常にシリア人とアラブ人が行い、パレスチナ人が交渉をしたことはありません。そして1947年に分割案が出て、イスラエルが独立、第一次中東戦争が勃発します。 では、パレスチナの小作農は誰だったのでしょうか?本当にユダヤ人がディアスポラで地域を離れるときに、全ての人口が移動することが可能なのでしょうか。イスラエルが国内人口の4分の1のアラブ人に話す論理としても機能します。イスラエルもハマスも悪の側面がありますが、背景は簡単に善悪で定義されません。 中東史を勉強する学生として、より深い背景情報を書いました。 映像よく見て、likeしました。ありがとうございます。

 from: 【イスラエル・ガザ地上侵攻へ②】アメリカと中国が中東安定ビジョンで衝突. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-10-28. Retrieved from 2023-10-28.

My comment :

오늘날 뒷배 불리면서 사생아 만드는 어느 재벌들이 니가 보기엔 뛰어나겠지ㅋㅋ 그래서 재벌이 만든 한국 얼마나 잘나가나 보자. 보기엔 인구소멸되게 만든 인류사상 최악의 국가지도계층으로 한국 재벌이 기억에 남을듯 ㅋ

 from: 추석특집! 전세계가 놀랐던 한국의 산림녹화 제도, 그 성공의 비밀은? [쩐래동화 #04] f. 박정호. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-11-07. Retrieved from 2023-11-07.

Comment :

牛信仰は、、、要は最古の利権の発明ですよ。 牛は 人々の生活に必需なものです。人々は牛が居ないと農耕できず食料も得れず生きていけません。その牛を神聖とし、神聖な牛の取り扱いは祟りの危険を伴うのでシャーマンの私にしかできないことですよと人々に思い込ませれば、その人はとんでもない権力が手に入ります。=王様です。 人々は牛の王様の機嫌をとり続けて対価を支払って牛の扱いの認可を取り付けないといけません。 いつしか媚合戦になりピラミッド型身分社会ができましょう。 結局現代まで支配層がやってる既得権の作り方は全部このロジックがベースになってます。 本来全員に自然に存在してるはずの権利を奪っておいてそれを再分配する認可権が権力ですよ。 キリスト教の原罪もそうですし。 銀行の通貨発行権と利子は全員を借金漬けにして本来存在しない負債をで人々から搾取し続けてますし。 法律によって本来存在してる権利も自由もなんも奪われてしまって、権力に媚びて金を払って接待してないと生きていられないように仕向けられてる。 この悪辣な支配のロジックを最初に発明したのがシュメール人なのでしょう。 ほんと世界中に大迷惑をかけた最悪の種族ですよ。

 from: 【禁忌】この世界は「雄牛」が支配していた。 YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

Comment :

シュメールと中国西を結ぶ鍵になってる種族が羌族(チャン族)ですよね。 羌族は羊飼いですが、牛も飼ってたのでしょう。ここから牛をシンボルにした神農が出てます(BC3050年ごろ)。その300年くらい後に黄帝も出てます。両者中原の北に住みいわゆる黄河文明の主役です。 黄帝は神農陣営を倒して漢人を統一し道教を作ります。黄帝はシンボルは北斗七星と北極星で人々を導く天という概念から降臨した天の子(天孫降臨の元ネタ)、そして天に帰る時は龍になるというものです。いわゆる中華って感じの天の門を開く舞踊(天の岩戸の元ネタはこれでもある)や仙人に教えられるという文化は黄帝が作ったものです。一方敗北した神農の子孫は現在はミャオ族などの少数民族として生き残ってて未だに思いっきり牛信仰してます。 徐福はこの黄帝の子孫の夏国の王族から分家してる徐国の王族の子孫です。なので徐福は黄帝をレスペクトして道教だったわけです。 徐福は実は牛系じゃないんですよ。スサノオ(徐福)を牛と合体させたのは間違いか何か別の意味があると思われます。 ヒボコ族はもしかすると朝鮮に逃れた神農の子孫の王族で牛系かもしれませんけど。 宮下文書で天孫族はみんな神農の子孫ということになってましたけど、嘘ですね。宮下文書も結局記紀と目的は同じで、嘘でみんなのルーツを同じということにして、壬申の乱みたいな戦争は止めようね!っていう意味の物語だったんだと思います。

 from: 【禁忌】この世界は「雄牛」が支配していた。 YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

My comment :


 from: 【禁忌】この世界は「雄牛」が支配していた。 YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

My comment :

中国の道教資料でも牛を神聖化する内容がよく登場しますね。そもそも道教の創始は老子ではなく、老子は周の下級役人として竹竿を管理しただけ。中国人の記録ではなかったものを(中国人の)老子が再整理したのでこそ、道教は中華的思想になったんです。 中国人は老子以前の道教的な記録は破棄し、同族中国人である老子の本を最初の道教書に捏造しました。老子は李氏なので、系譜をたどると后羿の帝堯(いろんな帝の一つ)の後継者だったんですね。 そんな中国人の立場でも、道教の記録に東の「雨辰」が「帝」の源であるという記録が残して、中国人が実は最初の帝の子孫ではないという否定できない要素もあったのでしょう。近代学界では、「黄帝」に当たる文字が書かれた甲骨文が登場しないので、作為された人物だったからという見解もあります。(注意:黄帝≠帝)

 from: 【禁忌】この世界は「雄牛」が支配していた。 YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

My comment :

The Chinese flood story mentioned in this video is originaly not a Chinese story. The flood myth that is mistaken for a Chinese myth is the same one found on "Baekdu Mountain" on the border of Korea and Manchuria. The Baekdu Mountain story features a goddess with the half of a snake, which is mistaken for a Chinese deity, and she saved humanity from a flood. Because of this, the Koreans, Manchus, and Jurchen held Baekdu Mountain sacred. On the other hand, if you look the Chinese genealogy, Chinese ancestors were archers+cannibals, so cannibalistic traits often appear in Chinese culture due to ancestral traditions. The Chinese are also descended from archers who killed snake god and bird god, so they worship the symbols of the bow with man. However, if you mention that the myths of people who were killed by the Chinese are "Chinese myths," that's an abhorrent phenomenon. The peoples whose traditions and symbols were taken from them by the Chinese will cur_se your falsehood or mistaken.😢

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

Comment (@CureAwan):


 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

My comment :

@CureAwan oh argument? I like it :) Historical manipulation facilitated the Chinese migration to the Korean Peninsula. The six surnames of Gojoseon(first country according to mordern Korean, but actually Chinese) correspond to the surnames of royalty, officials, and generals of the Tang Dynasty(唐朝). According to the 'Samguk Sagi(三國史記; KOR ancient history book re-written by Chinese immigrant)', the six surnames of Gojoseon were Rhee(李氏), Choi(崔氏), Jeong(鄭氏), Son(孫氏), Bae(裵氏), and Seol(薛氏). The 'Samguk Yusa’ quotes 'Dangun Wangguam(壇君王儉)’ from the 'Book of Wei(魏書)’. However, there is no matching record in the 'Wei Book(魏書)’, the 'Wei Zhi(魏志)’, or the written 'Wei Xuan(魏略)’. The Wei Book(魏略), which someone brought to the Korean peninsula, has a record of "Dangun Wangguam", which shows that this was common knowledge on the Korean peninsula at the time. Rhee(李氏) is a surname of the Tang emperor. The earliest record of the Rhee surname is from the 22nd year of Silla King Gyeongdeok(景德王)(763). Bae(裵氏) first appeared in 608 as the surname of an envoy sent by the Sui Dynasty to Japan.3) The Tang Dynasty's general to Silla was named 薛仁貴, the first Seol(薛氏) surname to appear in Korean-Japanese records.4) Son(孫氏) is a representative Tang Dynasty surname in the 'Son Goku' novels, which imitated 'Hanuman' from Buddhism in the context of the popularity of Tang Dynasty historical novel culture.5) These surnames are identical to the Sui-Tang(隋唐) period surnames of Chinese and do not appear in Korean-Japanese records for 700 years from the record of 32 CE in the Samguk Sagi. So what do you think of the your ancester’s disgusting history?

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

Comment (@learnchinesenow):

So if it was a large flood, there would surely be many stories of it from different countries in the region. Why does Korea having a story about it mean the Chinese story is not valid? Both could exist and have truth to them at the same time, there is not conflict there.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-16. Retrieved from 2023-12-16.

My comment :

 @learnchinesenow According to your argument, it's as if people of different ethnic consider the gods of other ethnic to be the same god. Using the West as an example, it's like saying Cherubim is the same god as the goddess Aegis, or Enki is the same god as India Shiva, which is a pretty absurd argument. As far as I know, 90% of Asians living in the West are Chinese(including those who lie themself about not being Chinese ethnic), so I understand that you n west usually contact with Chinese claims. However, it is wrong to stand by the misleaded Chinese claim. If I were to use your West-to-East understanding, it would look like this: In stupid East-to-West understanding, “Indo-Europeans are fakes who usurped the original Semitic mythology of monotheism”, “All Indo-Europeans are barbarians, and all mythology is Semitic in origin”, Therefore, this is what you said, “the all asian origin is Chinese, but the PC way to say it is that the all non-distingishable asian ethnic’s stories are surely coexist(by west)”.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-17. Retrieved from 2023-12-17.

Comment (@DccAnh):

Korean culture literally come from China lol, and I'm speaking this as an Asian living in Asia, just shut up, I know you have an inferiority complex because your country was a vassal of China for most of its existence, hell China even have to send troops to help you when Japan invade cause you guy suck at defending yourself lol, learn to accept reality, and talk about vassal, Korea today is technically a vassal of america, is it so hard to stand on your own ? And you now trying to steal from Chinese culture to feel better about yourself ? Just know that nothing will change the fact that Korea will never reach the same level as China, you guy were a vassal then and are still a vassal now.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-17. Retrieved from 2023-12-17.

My comment :

⁠ @DccAnh 😂 Have you ever read Taoist books? why do the books written by the your ancestor Chinese say that the 帝 came from the east? Why did the real Chinese, the ones you claim as your ancestors, look east for the Elixir legend? In the first CH civ, your ancestors were slaves left behind when the founders of Chinese civilization fled. That slaves + cannibals are your CH tradition & ancestors. What is the real Chinese? The legend of Houyi(后羿) is considered heroic in China. In the Zuozhuan(左傳, 春秋左氏伝), Houyi(后羿) is written not as "Houyi" but as "Yiyi" (夷羿). Unlike the legend's glorified Houyi, the Houyi of the 『Zuozhuan』(左傳) is a criminal who kills king and raped Xuanwu(玄妻). He killed nine of the ten crows, symbols of the sun, that were once rested in Fusang(扶桑). Confucius Gongzi(孔子) expressed his desire to live in the nine-yi(九夷). This is understood to be an expression of envy toward the Yi(夷) people. However, this expression was later changed to "cross the water to the Yi(夷)”. In the original text, the phrase "cross the water to the Yi(夷)” does not appear. The historical record 『秦本紀』 states that the six states to the east of Qin regarded Qin as a Yi(夷) state. The Zuozhuan(春秋左氏伝) states that Chu(楚) was a barbarian(夷狄 Yidi). This is once again understood through SuShi(蘇軾)’s "王者不治夷狄論”. In the 「是齊晉亦未能純爲中國也 ... 是秦楚亦未至於純爲夷狄也」 . which indicates that in the pre-Qin period, “Qin Chu(秦楚)” was generally understood as the barbarians(夷狄, Yidi), and ''Qi Chin Qin Chuzhou'' was generally understood as barbarians and “Qi Chin(齊晉)” was understood as Middle land(中国). Originally, “Qin(秦)” was a Rong(戎) and Chu(楚) was a Man(蠻), but due to the distortion of Chinese Yi(夷) people’s history fabrication and immigration, the “Qin-Chu(秦楚)” have already been gradually distorted and described as Yi(夷) since the Pre-Qin period. According to the Later Han Book(後漢書), Yi(夷) are the root (of the Chinese). (In the original text, the Chinese deliberately did not write the subject of “root”.) When the Tang Dynasty conquered Baekje, it gave King Muryeo of Silla the name of "盖夷道行軍總管", which means "general administrator of the Gai-Yi region". After the destruction of Baekje, the Tang Dynasty's "熊津都督府" established a new region in what is now Korea Buyeo-region, which was named "Yu-Yi Commandery(嵎夷縣)". This was because it was in the Tang Dynasty's interest to fabricate the term "Yu-Yi(嵎夷)" as being "Beakje". The legend of Houyi(后羿) is one of the most popular fairy tales in China today. This circumstance makes think it certain that the Chinese have manipulated history for their own propagate. This is because the what Chinese are hiding is actually Yi(夷) are Chinese. They emigrated to around China claiming that "Qin is a descendant of barbarians(西夷)" and propagate greatly. They then manipulated Qin to unify China(: Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty) and destroy Qin(: Chu–Han Contention; 楚漢戰爭). The Chinese also manipulated the name of the barbarians(夷族) in favor of their propagation by moving the name of the Yi(夷) eastward from their original location of the Jiuyi(九夷). Chinese fabricated barbarians as named FourYi(四夷). So Chinese can propagate, rape and migrate, claiming to be kinsman. Like a corpse-infested fly egg, the history of the Chinese ethnic took its heyday with the extinction of such ancient ethnic groups. Today, the ethnic living in ancient China are almost extinct. In this background, it can be inferred that Qin(秦)’s Huhai(胡亥) tore Rhee Si(李斯) to pieces and killed him. This is because Huhai(胡亥)'s father used Rhee Si(李斯) for the Qin(秦), although Huhai(胡亥) was presumably disgusted by immigrants like Rhee(李), who distorted history for the Chinese prosperity.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-17. Retrieved from 2023-12-17.

Comment (@DccAnh):

yeah bla bla bla, that's a long @ss paragraph and what tf are you even talking about, also I'm not Chinese lol 😂, like it should be obvious by my name alone, I know a westerner probably aren't able to differentiate Asian name, but a fellow Asian should be able to tell, but you can't ? Are you even Asian ? I am also not a Taoist tho I do read and agree with many thing in Taoism philosophy along with Buddhism. I'm not really sure of the origin of the Chinese nor do I care really, all I know and care is that they're the one who build one of the Cradle of Civilizations, not the Korean, not the Japanese, not any of the steppe nomad, but the Chinese, their empire start from acient time and still thrive to this day, they're the longest lasting empire the world have ever seen. Who care how their ancestor was like, even the mongolian who able to conqured China got reverse asimilated and call themselves Chinese in the end so who care lol, those who build the emprie and create the Sinosphere culture call themselves Chinese ( or at least one of the Chinese's ethnicity that they call themselves at the time, they're still Chinese tho so it doesn't really matter, China is a collection of many ethnicity, there's also a Korean ethnicity there if I remember correctly) and that's what truly important, that's their legacy, what legacy does Korea have ? What legacy does the Hanguk people have ? Being a good vassal ? Why you think you have right to determine who is Chinese and who is not lol ? You are, then and still now, a vassal of bigger power, Korea have never been on the same table as China and probably never will, Korea bow to China back then and now bow to usa. Before you learn how to stand on your own, any of your words with judgmental tone toward someone better than you (China) is, quite frankly, worthless. And I actually like Korea so now I hate you cause you make me say terrible ( but true tho ) stuff to one of my favorite countries. It's a shame Korean seem unable to get themselves free from being a vassal.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-17. Retrieved from 2023-12-17.

My comment :

⁠​⁠​⁠ @DccAnh Is it a proud point to say that you're too dyslexic to read what I write? And I write in English for people to read, but your claim that I'm not Korean because I don't write in Korean is just bullXhit. What is your nationality to make such a statement? I've seen a lot of Chinese people pretending to be non-Chinese. The way to identify your ethnicity is not by your profile picture or name, which can be changed at any time, but by the behavior. And if you're not Chinese, I have a idea what kind of type you are. Respect for Taoism and Buddhism? There's nothing dumber than that. It's clear you're either Chinese or West. Westerners typically think of peaceful East Asia civilization, but the real East Asia is a world of euthanasia without any screams. Buddhism's idea of reincarnation is a specialized way of looking away from the real world, where non-Chinese people are slowly being wiped out by the Chinese. Almost all oriental countries stopped practicing Buddhism a few hundred years after they became Buddhist. The reason is that the real ethnic who depended on Buddhism disappeared as it was digested in the Chinese stomach. The land is then inhabited by Chinese people who fabricate history in place of the disappeared ethnic. For example, the Tibetans, who the Chinese claim are living happily are. The bodies of these dying "ethnic" are slowly decaying, and the piles of corpses are swarming with infested fly eggs. It is a paradise for the flies. And the peaceful East Asian civilization is a paradise for the Chinese. The Chinese are not a war-like people because they routinely cheat, manipulate, and replace other ethnics. So when an angry barbarian group invades, the Chinese usually don't retaliate with war. Because they're already routinly killing other ethnic groups. You claimed that the Mongols were Chinese. But the Mongols hated and slaughtered the Chinese more than any ethnic else. The Mongol was brutal because their neighbor was the Chinese. Chinese culture is a high-context culture, and Chinese language is subject-omissible language. This means that it's easy to manipulate original writings and other people's claims. In such a society, Chinese people reproduce claims endlessly to reproduce. The Mongols eventually fell to these Chinese. The Chinese migrated, fabricated, and reproduced claims. The people you mistake for Koreans are actually Chinese, you dumb. The group called Koreans was already ethnically cleansed 1000 years ago by Chinese migration and manipulation of history, and all East Asian civilizations helped the Chinese reproduce. Cause East Asian civilization is made up of only Chinese people. The Korean tribute to the Chinese is natural, because the Chinese were the ones who were slowly replacing the original Koreans of 1000 years ago with the support of the mainland Chinese. There is no clear discrimination in high-context society. There is just a slow process that Chinese immigrants are manipulated into Original Korean, which has existed since ancient times. Before Korean Joseon society contact with the West, 50% of the population was enslaved. East Asian civilization, that mistaken for a peaceful utopia, is nothing but peaceful dying peoples and joyous flies. This is the utopia where no one can scream.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.

Comment (@learnchinesenow):

I never said that. That is something you assumed yourself. Each culture has its own gods, what if they coordinated from the heavens to bring a flood to the earth at the same time? Reality is, we just don’t know, its all just a fun exploration of possible theories.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.

Comment (@diahpuspaningrum4640):

Mmm, Korean.... Can you tell me who is Sin in biblle is? Qin dynasty that time or china now? Or Korea? Oh... I don't remember kgiryo mention in bible.... Or maybe that time Goryeo still mot exist, it exist when people from Zhejiang migrate to Korean peninsula??? And became a Silla, baekjae???

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.

My comment :

 @diahpuspaningrum4640 I never said that the East Asia and West flood myths were "the same". Rather, it is the owner of this channel who is comparing two completely different myths. I wrote my comments cause I disliked the pro-China propaganda, not because I claimed myths were "the same." Therefore, your question should be directed to this channel, not me.

 from: China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-19. Retrieved from 2023-12-19.

Comment :

In ancient Japan, it was also known as "扶桑 / 東赢". Its name originated from 秦始皇Qin Shihuang's son, 扶蘇 Fu Su. 秦始皇 Qin Shihuang's name was "赢政", and the last name was "赢". Therefore, the ancient Japan's name 扶桑 (扶蘇) and 瀛 (赢). * After that, the other Chinese emperor renamed Japan "倭 WA" . 徐福Xu Fu is 扶蘇 Prince Fusu's loyal confidant. 徐福Fu Su knows that someone wants to murder himself. He led hundreds of thousands of troops to Japan with the help of 徐福Xu Fu. This was why the number of 秦軍Qin army of more than 100,000 at that time suddenly disappeared. After Prince 扶蘇 Fu Su arrived in Japan, he led his army to create an era. Japanese history has since opened a new chapter. * 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku_ 女王卑彌呼Queen Himiko is obviously Chinese. She can speak Chinese language and classical Chinese (文言文). She accepts the identity of the wholesale official of the Chinese emperor. Given "official seal 漢倭奴國金印" According to historical records. 卑彌呼 Himiko is the adopted daughter of the Chinese emperor Wei. His identity is also a Chinese female official - 倭王 . Her divine power is actually Chinese Taoism and divination. Local Japan's indigenous people look at her as God. * The powerful and economic sources of 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku. It is supported by the Chinese royal family. Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩

 from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.

Comment :

From the pre -Qin dynasty, there have been 4 times large -scale immigrants from Chinese Han people to enter the Japanese islands and Korean Peninsula, which have a profound impact on the historical trends of China and Japan and ( Korean Peninsula ). Focus on reference materials : Yayoi period (300 B.C. - A.D. 300) 彌生時代 Kofun period (300 - 645) 大和時代 Asuka Period (538-710 AD) (645 -710) 飛鳥時代 Nara period (710-794) 奈良時代 Heian period (794-1185) 平安時代 Chinese Han people's four large -scale immigrants enter the Japanese islands record : 1. Qin and Han Dynasty Qin Shihuang (秦始皇 259-210 BC) swept the six regions. In order to escape the war, the Chinese people fled to Japan in two ways: Some Chinese people crossed the sea from the Northeast to the Korean Peninsula to Japan. Japan. 2. During the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties (420 -589 BC) During the period of "Upheaval of the Five Barbarians 五胡亂華", in order to avoid the war, the Chinese people began a wave of migration to a large -scale migration around. Most of the fleeing Chinese finally went to Japan, forming the climax of immigration to Japan. The representative is Liu Azhi (劉阿知), the descendant of Emperor Han Xian(漢獻帝). 3. The Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907 BC) Chinese Emperor send a large -scale Tang ambassador (they were Chinese )to Japan 倭, while China sent a large number of people and technology and culture to Japan (for Chinese lived in Japan) . Most of these people are monks or cultural scholars. They are left as required by the Chinese who lived in Japan because of the difficult sailing and welcomed by Japan. They often stay and lived in Japan . The representative is the monk Jianzhen(監真). 4. The Song (960-1279)and Ming dynasties(1368-1644) In the Yuan Dynasty, the Han people in the southern Song Dynasty broke their families. In order to avoid the war and kill, they moved to Japan one after another. The representative of this period was scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty - Lanxi Daolong(蘭溪道隆). * The sea between China and Japan is very dangerous. Therefore, the ship of ancient Chinese needs to pass through the peninsula (today in South Korea). It is safer to reach Japan. In addition, the ancient Japanese and Koreans could not enter China (nor could they communicate with the Chinese). Entering the Chinese city must require the Chinese Han identity certificate or pass certificate. Only Chinese talents in Japan can enter China. *************************** In ancient China. Due to the escape or expansion of territorial reasons. There were many records of the Han people moved to the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese islands (including Okinawa). Establishing small countries and regimes on these islands (representing Chinese senior officials rather than emperor). In addition to the later period of Japan (because of the ocean). The Han regime on the Korean Peninsula has always been the ancient Chinese territory and the scope of direct jurisdiction (but sometimes it is similar to the different phenomenon of political opinions from the central government. It is similar to the situation in Taiwan and Hong Kong today. When the relationship between Taiwan and Hong Kong and the central government is bad. Sometimes they think they are independent countries or claim to be non -Chinese). The history of the establishment of a regime on the Korean Peninsula (Goguryeo, Baiji, Silla, Goryeo , Joseon). It is not the history of the Korean people. Instead, it is the history of the local regime of the Han people in northern China.These royal family and nobles are Chinese and descendants who move to the peninsula. They are wearing Han nationality clothing and using Chinese characters. They also claim to be the Han family. They are like Hong Kong and Macau and Taiwan. The Han people basically speak two Chinese languages (Chinese dialects+Chinese official language), one of the Han dialects that are lost. * There are more than 20 dialects in Chinese Han nationality. Only some civilians and slaves are indigenous people from the south of the peninsula (Koreans). This is very certain. (A large number of ancient Chinese tombs were unearthed on the 4/5 Korean Peninsula today. Han murals (depicting the lives of the Han people in the north), the fairy and god beast of the Han nationality.Han religion. Chinese character stone monument. Han Dynasty coins. ........... The southernmost part of the peninsula is unearthed in the original and backward Korean national life tools. It can be seen that the extremes of two different ethnic groups( Chinese VS Korean ) and different civilizations exist at the same time in the same period of the peninsula history. Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩 The elites of ancient Japan were "渡來人 / 歸化人". Japanese historians also agreed. In Chinese history, there are detailed records who arrived in ancient Japan. The Chinese spiritual nobles during the Ping An and the Nara period of Japan (Before the 13th century) .They have always claimed to be "Chinese people 中國人" (Including the content of classical Chinese characters 文言文 written to the Chinese emperor). The Han nationality is their family. They call ancient Japan > "China中國 & Shenzhou神州". These have detailed historical records.

 from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.

My comment :

Who the heck are the people writing the strange claims? To find out, we need to answer the questions.

Is it rightous to show respect to Sino-style Buddhism and Taoism? There's nothing dumber than that. West typically think of peaceful East Asia civilization, but the real East Asia is a world of euthanasia without any screams. Buddhism's idea of reincarnation is a specialized way of looking away from the real world, where non-Chinese people are slowly being wiped out by the Chinese. Almost all East Asia countries stopped practicing Buddhism a few hundred years after they became Buddhist. The reason is that the real ethnic who depended on Buddhism disappeared as it was digested in the Chinese stomach. The land is then inhabited by Chinese people who fabricate history in place of the disappeared ethnic.

For example, the Tibetans, who the Chinese claim are living happily are. The bodies of these dying "ethnic" are slowly decaying, and the piles of corpses are swarming with infested fly eggs. It is a paradise for the flies. And the peaceful East Asian civilization is a paradise for the Chinese.

The Chinese are not a war-like people because they routinely cheat, manipulate, and replace other ethnics. So when an angry barbarian group invades, the Chinese usually don't retaliate with war. Because they're already routinly killing other ethnic groups.

Are the Mongols Chinese? But the Mongols hated and slaughtered the Chinese more than any ethnic else. The Mongol was brutal because their neighbor was the Chinese.

Chinese culture is a high-context culture, and Chinese language is subject-omissible language. This means that it's easy to manipulate original writings and other people's claims. In such a society, Chinese people reproduce claims endlessly to reproduce.

The Mongols eventually fell to these Chinese. The Chinese migrated, fabricated, and reproduced claims.

The many people mistake for Koreans are actually Chinese. The group called Koreans was already ethnically cleansed 1000 years ago by Chinese migration and manipulation of history, and all East Asian civilizations helped the Chinese reproduce. Cause East Asian civilization is made up of only Chinese people. The Korean tribute to the Chinese is natural, because the Chinese were the ones who were slowly replacing the original Koreans of 1000 years ago with the support of the mainland Chinese.

There is no clear discrimination in high-context society. There is just a slow process that Chinese immigrants are manipulated into Original Korean, which has existed since ancient times. Before Korean Joseon society contact with the West, 50% of the population was enslaved.

East Asian civilization, that mistaken for a peaceful utopia, is nothing but peaceful dying peoples and joyous flies. This is the utopia where no one can scream.

The manipulation by ethnic Chinese continues to this day.

 from: The Entire History of Ancient Japan. YoutubeArchived from the original on 2023-12-18. Retrieved from 2023-12-18.


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