[Youtube] My comments ( January / 2024)
Comment :
The situation of Koreans is similar to that of Turks.Koreans imagine that they are the Goguryeo who conquered the Korean Peninsula in history. In fact, most Koreans are indigenous residents of the Peninsula.Nearly 40% of the Y chromosomes of Koreans are O1b2, which is homologous to the Japanese.The distribution of O1b2 in the peninsula gradually decreases from south to north, which means that O1b2 spreads from the south to the north.The remainder is O2a, which is homologous to North Chinese, accounting for 40%. This is the most Y chromosome in Korea. The rest is C from Northeast Asia, accounting for about 10%.Considering that the Goguryeo originated from Manchuria, it is obvious that this is the Y chromosome of the Goguryeo.
Therefore, the historical truth is that the Goguryeo people acquired more advanced technology under the influence of the Chinese, conquered and assimilated the ancestors of the Koreans in their national identity. When the Goguryeo people were completely destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, although most Goguryeo people entered China and other Manchu ethnic groups, the Koreans began to call themselves Goguryeo people.
Historical records indicate that more than 100,000 Goguryeo people crossed the sea and came to the Shandong Peninsula, but now there is almost no O1b2 found here. This once again shows that the main Y chromosome of Koreans has nothing to do with Goguryeo.
Taking into account the almost complete similarity in grammar between Korean and Japanese, it is even more evident that the two are closely related.
My Comment :
Good read, but your comment’s point is crucially wrong. Koreans are not claiming to be Goguryeo, but the 10CE Tang Dynasty Chinese who migrated to Korea are claiming to be Goguryeo. Goguryeo conquered the Chinese Lelang Commandery, which in turn was conquered by the Chinese Tang dynasty, so the Tang Chinese decided to lie and say they were Lelang. Later, when Chinese Tang people imigrated to the Silla of Korea, Tang Chinese lied and said that they had been in Silla since the founding of Silla. So your statement that Koreans "claim to be Goguryeo" is incorrect, and "Chinese claim to be Goguryeo" is correct. However, since today's Koreans were ethnically cleansed by the Chinese, the proposition "The original Koreans before 10CE claim to be Goguryeo" is incorrect. However, "Todays Fake Koreans(Chinese) claiming to be Goguryeo since 10CE~" is correct. And like the Chinese, Koreans are a country where O2 accounts for more than half of the total rate, a phenomenon that is a result of history fabrication and ethnic cleansing by the Chinese during the Korean Dark Ages.
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However, O1b2 in South Korea is still close to 40%, which is the origin of Koreans.The Goguryeo people originated from Northeast Asia, they should be neither O2a nor O1b2.
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You mean that in the country of Goguryeo, Chinese people also accounted for the majority. Then the Goguryeo migrated to the Korean Peninsula, and the Chinese also entered. In terms of number, the Chinese people are far more than the Goguryeo people, right?
My Comment :
I don't think so. There are many records that suggest that Goguryeo and Silla, before the Chinese intervention, thought of each other as kin. Consider the record below Goryeosa(高麗史) > 志卷第十 高麗史五十六 > 盖西北所至不及高句麗, 而東北過之. 今略據沿革之見於史策者, 作地理志. Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄) > 肅宗實錄/二十九年、12月7日 > 戊寅,召對玉堂官,講《東國通鑑》,至高麗安市城事,上歎曰:「高麗,一小國耳,以善守城名,能抗隋、唐百萬之師。我國地方,比高麗倍之,山川險阻,古今一也,而丙子之亂,虜兵如入無人之地,竟有下城之辱。言念及此,不覺痛心。」 This reveals that the Koreans after 10CE were Chinese who manipulated the history books. In fact, in medieval Korean and Japanese diplomatic documents, there are records of the Japanese calling the Koreans as “Tang Chinese”. Also, the surnames of dynasties of the Korean peninsula after 10CE are Chinese Wang(王) and Li(李). The group called Koreans was already ethnically cleansed 1000 years ago by Chinese migration and manipulation of history, and all East Asian civilizations helped the Chinese reproduce. Cause East Asian civilization is made up of only Chinese people. The Korean tribute to the Chinese is natural, because the Chinese were the ones who were slowly replacing the original Koreans of 1000 years ago with the support of the mainland Chinese. Therefore, I think it is wishful thinking to judge the history that cannot be clearly saying, "The Chinese population must have been larger." Rather, it should be seen as the effect of historical manipulation and ethnic cleansing, which can be seen through various sources. Plus, compared to the period before the 10th century CE, when the Chinese did not rule the Korean peninsula, the population barely increased after the 10th century CE. That period in Korea was the Dark Ages, when population growth slowed and half the population was enslaved.
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The historical record you showed is completely different from the meaning you want to express. It only records the territory of the Goryeo Dynasty(928~1392). The meaning of the second paragraph in Chinese is the Joseon Dynasty after being conquered by Manchuria. The king and ministers discussed that although Goguryeo was smaller than its own country, it was very good at guarding the city and relied on its smaller territory to resist the more powerful Sui and Tang dynasties. .This has absolutely nothing to do with what you said. Until now I don't know what you are trying to say. It seems that you are telling a conspiracy theory like "Jews rule the world".This is obviously very ridiculous, because China's territory is very large, and most ancient Chinese dynasties fought with different ethnic groups in multiple directions, and will not specifically modify your country's history. Korean history has a tradition of recognizing other ethnic groups as ancestors. During the Goryeo Dynasty, they went to the Song Dynasty to steal the heads of Buddhist masters, because at that time you thought that your ancestors came from India and that you invented Buddhism. This is the same as some Koreans now believe that Christianity originated from Korea.
My Comment :
I would like you to provide me with clear evidence for your claims that Christianity originated in Korea and your claims about Buddhism. I have posted evidence above, while you have provided none. And are you sure you can read 漢文? According to the Goryeosa above, Goryeo's west-northern borders retreated, while its north-eastern border expanded. However, In real history Goryeo's north-eastern border never expanded. Why would it say "expanded" when it actually retreated from the Goguryeo period? Because, the Goryeo people are a bunch of Lelang Chinese lying about being Goguryeo descendants. This is a matter of your basic IQ. And as for the territorial size of Goguryeo and Joseon, you can search yourself. Comparing territories is a very simple task of comparing simple numbers. The real Goguryeo people were treated as barbarians by the Chinese, robbed of their history, and deprived of their name. Therefore, the original Goguryeo people, the Jurchen people, conquest China to get their revenge. I don't know why you're wasting my time with useless answers.
My Comment :
And as for genetic data, you are also mistaken. The Chinese Cao Cao(曹操) was found to be haplogroup O1b1, and the surname Cao was collective of the ancient Zhuanxu(颛顼). And Goguryeo also presented itself as a descendant of Zhuanxu. Isn't it you Chinese who try to fabricate the truth by manipulating the data?
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Are you joking? Cao Cao is O1b1, while Koreans are O1b2. There is no relationship between you two.See clearly that his endings are 1 and 2, they are different! O1b1 is more distributed in Southeast Asia, but the type of Cao Cao is very unique, and his type is also named page59, which separated from Southeast Asians about more than 10000 years ago. Currently, molecular anthropologists in China generally believe that Cao Cao originated from the Yangshao culture(仰韶文化) and is one of the origins of the Chinese people. In addition, Zhuanxu(颛顼) is just a mythological figure, Just like the Tanjun(檀君) of Korea who lived to 1908 years old, few people associate him with Cao Cao.
My Comment :
Really? I'm really surprised that you Chinese would make such a claim. The todays Chinese are almost descendants of the Chinese Ji(姬) surname. But originally Ji(姬) surname was a Zhou surname, but because Chinese falsified history books to justify reproduce, the non-Zhou Chinese claimed to be Ji(姬) surname as well. So, Are you claiming that the Zhou haplogroup N and the non-Zhou Chinese O2 claimed to be an ultra-prehistoric Ji(姬) surname that had the same ancestor? How big is the time difference between the Zhou and haplogroup NO bifurcation? Do you agree with your ancestor's that sneering argument? Or maybe not, then can I assume that you also hate your greedy ancestors who had no conscience? According to your argument, the divergence of all surnames and the divergence of genes should have been ‘precisely’ timed, so why isn't that actually in the real case?, cause the formation of a group of people with the same surname with certainty at the same time as genetic divergence would have been very unusual phenomenon. Your claim that "It is natural to give a surname at the exact same time as the descendants split" is a silly and childish argument that ignores the political situation of the time. For example, your claim is likely that the emergence of the Indo-European languages and the split of haplogroup R must "exactly" coincide. This is your narrow-minded prejudice that has no place in the real world. It is very common for there to be significant time difference between actual material and mental events. On the other hand, Chinese case of a certain surname splitting and gene splitting at exactly the same time is a highly unusual exception in the world. And the case of Dangun-Joseon(壇君朝鮮) who lived 1908 years, which means lived same time of Chinese ancestrial god DiYao(帝堯). The Korean cult of Dangun-Joseon(壇君朝鮮), which is made history in 13CE for fabricater Chinese ethnic, is a symbol that has been actively promoted in response to Korean(Chinese) nationalist ideas to identify a national ancestor.
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Haplogroup ≈ 3% autosomes Yellow River farmers are represented by haplogroup O2 This does not mean that Yellow River farmers can only carry haplogroup O2 O1b2 and O1b1 originate from Southern East Asian O1b1 (Northern Branch) became part of the Yellow River farmers O1b1a1 entered Southeast Asia and they evolved into Austroasiatic languages Modern Koreans don't have much Ancient-Northeast Asian ancestry (average -19% /Autosomes) The formation of the Ancient-Northeast Asian ancestry jointly contributed by Lake Baikal hunter-gatherers (Ydna Q+N1a) and Amur River farmers (C2) According to the results published by Nature (journal), Turkic, Mongolic, Koreanic, Japonic and Tungusic languages can be traced back to the first farmers moving across Northeast Asia from the Early Neolithic onwards, where they split from a common ancestor around the Liaodong Gulf, near Korea, 9000 years ago. The Turkic share a common root with Mongolians,they are all derived from Ancient-Northeast Asian(NCQ) 1,Amur hunter-gatherers(associated with speakers of Tungusic or Mongolian/Ydna C2), 2,Baikal hunter-gatherers (associated with the Ancient Paleo-Siberians/Ydna Q,The APS are closely related to Native Americans) 3,West Liao River farmers (associated with the Neo-Siberians N1a) 4,Yellow River farmers". (O2a) The ANEA can be differentiated into broadly three sub-groups, namely the “Ancient Northeast Asians“ (ANA)(C2), “Neo-Siberians"(N1a), and "Yellow River farmers"(O2). Both ANEA and ASEA(O1D1C1) descended from the “Ancestral"or “Ancient East Asians” (AEA) and diverged some 26,000 years ago. Slightly earlier, around 28,000 years ago, the ancestors of Ancient Paleo-Siberians (APS/Q1) diverged from the AEA, and around 30,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Jomon diverged from the AEA. Are Korean O1b2 related to Liaohe Civilization or(60%-70%N1+O2C2) Hongshan Culture?NO Are Korean O1b2 related to Xiongnu or Huns?NO Are Korean O1b2 related to Turkic people(Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Yakuts....)?NO Are Korean O1b2 related to Mongolian?NO Are Korean O1b2 related to Tungusic peoples(Except the Manchus)?NO Are Korean O1b2 related to Paleo-Siberians?NO Your Korean O1b2 expanded from the Korean Peninsula to Northeast Asia,They have nothing to do with the Turkic,Mongolian,Xiongnu ........
from: The Unique History and relatioship between Turks and Koreans (illustrated summary). YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-05. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
My Comment :
I'm a student of history in Korea, and I swear to the truth, I think your claim may be partially true, because I've noticed several anomalies in my studies. In Silla, the ancient state of Korea, there is a story about a king with donkey ears, which is exactly the same as the Greek story. And Silla has a strong connection to ancient Japan, and there's a story in Silla about a big snake. And the island of Jeju, which is in the sea between Korea, China, and Japan, in ancient times, if people encountered a snake, they would greet it by talking to it. Similarly, the ancient Egyptians traded with an island whose king was a large talking snake. And when I was researching the etymology of ancient Korean language, I couldn't understand but notice that some of the words were connected to Rwanda language.
from: Japan's Mysterious African Heritage. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-29. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
My Comment :
Medieval Joseon was a slave state with 50% of the population enslaved. While, Today's South Korea is a democratic republic. That 50% of the population clearly exists, so a return to the monarchy is impossible. Additionally, the leading elites in South Korea today are Chinese who have fabricated history books that claim they are not Chinese. Since the Japanese were the ones who were expelled due to the fabrication of the history books, the Koreans who migrated to Japan today claim "Korean ancestry" but are actually Chinese, the political conflict between Korea and Japan continues. Western academia foolishly insists that the Chinese-Korean propaganda are right, which is why Japan experienced a rash of hate incidents in the 2010s.
from: Why didn't Korea restore its monarchy after World War 2? (Short Animated Documentary). YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-01. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
My Comment :
Lol, I didn't know until today that there was a TV program that claimed the Yellow Emperor was an alien. 😂😂😂 As a side note, there is some theory in Chinese academia that since no Chinese characters matching the Yellow Emperor are found on ancient Oracle bone script, he was a figure created for political consolidation in later times.
from: The Yellow Emperor's Incredible Backstory - History of China. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-29. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
My Comment :
ハプログループNについては、韓国の「빗살무늬토기」を検索してください。 「빗살무늬」土器は朝鮮半島の北と西海岸で発見されています。 中国の記録でも、馬韓の西側に胡族の島があるとする記録があります。 胡族はハプロNで周の貴族でした。 そして、英語のウィキには「Finno-Korean Hyperwar」がありますが、 西洋の歴史コミュニティでは、すべてのヨーロッパの文化は、フィンランド文化から派生したものであるという陰謀論レベルの妄想主張があるからです。 しかし、そのような妄想主張が出た理由があるのでしょう。
韓国語で「빗살무늬토기 분포」を検索して画像を探してみると、興味深い分布図を見ることができます。
from: 縄文文明シリーズ 第15回 大陸、第3の文明『遼河文明』弥生人の故郷?. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-28. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
My Comment :
전원 생존은 정말 다행입니다. 하지만, 과실여부가 있는 듯한 항공기가 지진 구호를 위한 비행기였고, 그 사고로 5명이 사망하다니.. 정말 안타깝네요😢
from: 도쿄 비행기 충돌 전말...시속 225km 불덩이 속에서 다함께 살아남은 비결은?. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-01-03. Retrieved from 2024-01-30.
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