[#Youtube] My Comments (March 2024) #고대사 #금척 #키 성장 클리닉
My Comment :
금척 전설은 원래 존재하던 전설이 아니라 이성계 전설과 엮여서 중세 조선에서 창작된 전설이다.
즉 영상에 나오는 이야기는 조선의 신정성을 위해 창작된 이야기가 그 신뢰성을 조작하기 위해 마치 "조선시대 이전에도 금척 이야기가 존재"했던 것 마냥 창작한 이야기들로 구성되어 있어, 이런 영상이 서술하는 내용의 역사적 가치는 많은 의문이 든다.
from: 경주 집단 공동묘지의 전설, 금척의 실체를 추적하다 (SUB). YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-03-09. Retrieved from 2024-03-09.
My Comment :
ハフロDが中国全域に広がっていたとみなすのは、韓国でハフロCが中国全域に広がっていたのに分離されたという主張とその論理的構造が同じです。そしてハフロ C集団は征服された「羌」を人身御供に使用し、殷の領域は山東半島まで到達しませんでした。
したがって、韓国の「ハフロCが中国全域に広がっていたのに分離された」という主張は、ハフロ C系集団が中国の正当な先住民であるというプロパガンダ目的の嘘です。ハフロD場合の主張を韓国のハフロC主張のように利用するのは疑わしいです。
また、姜姓呂氏は父系を羌族と主張したのではなく、母系を羌族と主張しました。 Yハプログループ分析は父系の系統だけを追跡する方法です。
from: 中国の歴史【秦氏は始皇帝の末裔?】秦と弓月をつなげる羌族の謎に迫る【秦氏と月読命⑥】. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-02-19. Retrieved from 2024-03-09.
Comment :
My Comment :
from: 【衝撃的な完全新説】アフリカ起源説は大嘘!我々日本人の本当のルーツとは?【納得】. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-02-22. Retrieved from 2024-03-09.
My Comment :
イラン・テヘラン大学のムハンマド・ボスギ教授の主張によると、Alー Masudiの『道と王国に関する総覧』という本で、新羅はアムール人の国であると記述されている。
これは矛盾でしょうか? 扶餘人は自らを「亡命者」と言いましたが、正確にどこから亡命したのかは分かりません。
from: 【朝鮮半島に乗る日本人の痕跡】ややこしい半島の歴史をわかりやすく解説【秦氏と月読命⑦】. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-03-09. Retrieved from 2024-03-09.
My Comment :
これは矛盾でしょうか? 扶餘人は自らを「亡命者」と言いましたが、正確にどこから亡命したのかは分かりません。
from: 高句麗・百済を建国した【扶余族の秘密】天孫降臨が2回ある理由はここにあり!?全ては満州国へと繋がっている!(秦氏と月読命⑧). YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-03-23. Retrieved from 2024-03-23.
My Comment :
To be honest, the Korean "growth clinic" trend might have something to do with it.
Cause I hate lying, but since the mid-2000s, when I was in elementary school, there has been a trend of clinics where "growth specialists" would consult with you about your height growth and give you the right amount of growth hormone. I've heard of friends when I was elemetary school, going to these "clinics" and being prescribed them.
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Are they taller than you
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I think you just know about only a little part of Korea, most of Koreans don't do that cuase we all know that's all scam or nothing usefu
My Comment :
You mean, asking me how tall those of my elementary school friends are?
Then I have to answer “I don't know the answer to that question” cause, as we all know, people rarely keep in touch with their elementary school friends.
But if I should have to use an example, then I have an old friend who I met about maybe 4 years ago, and I think he was over 185.
I thought he was really good person, and it wasn't jealousy, I feel just nice that he was doing well, that's all I experienced.
My Comment :
Sure, they exist but that's a tiny fraction of the population. How many people can afford that? Don't take exceptions and present it as the rule.
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How to say when I look at their plastic surgery video I wouldn't be surprised like they have done something with their height
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My Comment :
What I'm saying is that its look like Nazi and embarrassing to claim that "Koreans are naturally genetically superior"
Also, if you want to find real Korean tall people, you'd better look among Koreans who are not from Seoul.
Cause, As I said before, there are at least 5 clinic on every district in Seoul, South Korea, that offer hormone administration. But if the case of people being interviewed are from the provinces, they wouldn't have access to the clinic.
What I meant to say was that there are a lot of people from Seoul who lie about not taking hormones, and there are a lot of Seoul Koreans who hide their hormone use by hiding behind the opinions of real tall people.
(There is evidence to prove that hormone therapy has significant effect on height growth especially in Seoul Koreans. Seoul was not the tallest city in South Korea before emergence of the growth clinic, but suddenly, after the clinic, the average height of Seoul increased and became #1. How is this possible ?)
Comment :
you sound Chinese.
My Comment :
Oh really? So you think everyone who disagrees with your argument should change their nationality to Chinese?
looks like if you work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that country will permanently doom. I recommend you working for your country's foreign ministry.
from: How South Koreans got so much taller. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-03-24. Retrieved from 2024-03-24.
My Comment :
To be honest, the Korean "growth clinic" trend might have something to do with it.
Cause I hate lying, but since the mid-2000s, when I was in elementary school, there has been a trend of clinics where "growth specialists" would consult with you about your height growth and give you the right amount of growth hormone. I've heard of friends when I was elemetary school, going to these "clinics" and being prescribed them.
And I have a clear rationale for it. There is evidence to prove that hormone therapy has significant effect on height growth especially in Seoul Koreans. Seoul was not the tallest city in South Korea before emergence of the growth clinic, but suddenly, the average height of Seoul increased and became #1.
According to height surveys conducted for conscription during the Japanese Empire, people were taller in Jeollanam-do and Gangwon-do than in Seoul. How is this possible ?🤔
What I'm saying is that its look like Nazi and embarrassing to claim that "Koreans are naturally genetically superior"😮💨 Also, if you want to find real Korean tall people, you'd better look among Koreans who are not from Seoul.
Cause, As I said before, there are at least 5 clinic on every district in Seoul, South Korea, that offer hormone administration. But if the case of people being interviewed are from the provinces, they wouldn't have access to the clinic. What I meant to say was that there are a lot of people from Seoul who lie about not taking hormones, and there are a lot of Seoul Koreans who hide their hormone use by hiding behind the opinions of real tall people.😂
I'm 174 when I was in the military enrollment, and I know the average Korean males are about same 174.
And I know friends who have actually taken hormones and are actually tall.
Because people like you are uncomfortable with me telling the “Truth”, you think, "He must be short, so he's saying it out of inferiority complex," but that's a convenient delusion to refuse the truth what I'm telling you. Don't evade the truth with your idiot delusions.
Comment :
the hormone only help reach your potential. If you are genetically short, you will be short even with the hormone injected in you.
My Comment :
I'm 174 when I was in the military enrollment, and I know the average Korean males are about same 174.
And I know friends who have actually taken hormones and are actually tall.
Because people like you are uncomfortable with me telling the “Truth”, you think, "He must be short, so he's saying it out of inferiority complex," but that's a convenient delusion to refuse the truth what I'm telling you. Don't evade the truth with your idiot delusions.
In the comments below, all I had to say was, "Honestly speaking as a Korean, there was a height growth clinic," and then I got comments like, "You must be short," or “you're Chinese," or something like that.
I was very disappointed with these comments and reactions, so I decided to fully expose kind of what Koreans on hormones are hiding.
Also, I suspect if the person commenting here is only commenting on me cause you’re also been injected with the same thing. Aren’t you?
Comment :
Koreans seem very height conscious
My Comment :
That's what I wanted to expose.
from: How South Koreans got so much taller. YouTube, Archived from the original on 2024-03-27. Retrieved from 2024-03-27.
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